Last acts of evil

I’m ultimately powerless to stop anyone from doing whatever they want. If someone feels like they are upto the task then sure, they are free to make the sojourn to America. But the US gov also has a right to respond accordingly.

Why can’t the black AU stop black Africans from hating and killing each other in Cameroon?


I like this phrase. Matatus are Exhibit A of “3rd world mentality”.

Perharps because America is the oldest democracy

UK isn’t. Democracy I mean

People have better chances of making it

America is successfully a liberal economy. Not the 8-5 British slavery mentality

Africans vote for corrupt rudderless leaders then seek better opportunities outside their own country

Wacha wafukuzwe

Come on now. This is just too much of reductive and simplistic reasoning of the internal geopolitics of African countries. Despite it’s obvious weaknesses, the AU cannot possibly solve the pervasive and the structural problems that generate civil strife in many African countries on account that the causes of these political problems are not only multi layered, but also any attempt at solving these problems generate unforeseen and perverse effects. Case in point, is the question of post colonial borders. You see, African borders are highly problematic in that, they are prisons that wall in tribes which in the past were always sworn enemies and yet, using arbitrary borders drawn up by the colonial powers, you are telling these diverse peoples to now come together and form a unified nation. Where do you even start? Do you redraw the borders so that each tribe has it’s own country? Do you have any idea how complex it would become to draw ethnic borders? In essence, therefore, Africa will have to maintain the colonial borders and start nation building on a chaotic mess -literally building a country with hands tied behind your back.

Think of the numerous internal civil wars that befell France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and England - mostly in the middle ages - which is a period of more than 700 years - and yet, the population of these countries is fairly monolithic. But still, brother rose up against brother since one is catholic and another one is a protestant. China is another one, one of the oldest countries in the world. (We are talking of a country that was founded before Christ). You see China was founded and thrived on civil war for thousands of years, and yet the population has one of the most uniform cultures but despite that, they still found reasons to go to war with each other.

With this background in mind, let us come back to the African context, where countries are still very young, and tell me which diplomatic, military, or political magic bullet the AU would use to solve the current crisis in the DRC, Mali, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, South Sudan, or even Ethiopia, that will make the causes of these problems disappear overnight, so that the Africans who are dying in droves trying to cross the Mediterranean to escape civil war, can come back to their countries and start rebuilding their young countries.

These simplistic talking points you have amply highlighted on this thread are not different from what an average conservative pundit or politician on fox news will say about Africa. But, the same white people will employ all the nuance they could possibly master to explain the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Ukraine-Russian crisis, the Indian-Pakistan Kashmir conflict, the military posturing by countries are the South China sea, or even the potential flash point that is North Korea and South Korea etc. But you as an avowed African, are simply content, and have sadly internalized very simplistic talking points about political problems that characterize post independent Africa.

Luckily, not all Africans condense these political crisis into simplistic narratives that are gratuitously parroted by ignorant white people. The recent fruitful discussions in Ktalk about the Ethiopian crisis is a case in point. Many talkers, it would seem appreciate the need of a refined political analysis to understand Africa’s complex internal geopoltics.

they shld stop the self hate

Well said. In hindsight I concluded she was being contrary for the sake of it, she works here after all. If she actually believes in these sentiments, I am mortified for us.

I thought so too at first. But when she doubled down with this argument on this thread, I felt obliged to offer a rebuttal since it seems she believes in these flawed sentiments.

However, this is not surprising nor new, since Africans can implicitly endorse deeply flawed values, including many that form the foundation of their own oppression and injustice. This includes admitting that somehow, desperate Africans fleeing from civil war feel entitled to white people’s largess - it’s as if a black man is not entitled to self-preservation, like other human beings who for thousands of years have fled famine, war, disease, and poverty.

She has internalized these flawed so much to the extent that she empathizes with the USA government by saying that it “has the right to respond appropriately”. I very much cringed with embarrassment when I read that.

You are right. By her argument, Syrians should flee to Iran, Iraq or Saudi not to Germany, France or Britain. Just embarrassing!

It’s almost like literally gate keeping her rightfully earned place in the USA so that other African migrants do not have the same chance at improving their luck in the world. What many people like her do not know is that according to the UNHCR, most modern migration is from South to South, meaning that it is not the European and first world countries that face the highest number of immigrants, but rather middle income and low income countries.

According to Amnesty international, 85% of refugees are being hosted in developing countries with Uganda alone hosting more refugees (1.4 million as of 2019) - much more than Germany, and yet, you will never hear Ugandans beating their chest and praising themselves on how generous they are to foreigners. I suspect that she would never thank Museveni for welcoming all these refugees to Uganda but for Mama Merkel, I bet she would compose all the accolades and platitudes for giving refugees a save haven and yet, Uganda has been doing it at a larger scale despite being a developing country.

But what would you expect? Here is my prognosis which I am sure you will agree with it.

DISCLAIMER: I am sorry to use this word but I feel that to drive this point home, I have to use it. Namely, Token Negroes.

Self hate among black people is so virulent that a few token Negroes can easily be recruited by white people to sing praises for them for doing the simplest and the most inconsequential PR gestures. If you need proof of who a token Negro is, here is exhibit A.

Well articulated. This truly fills my heart with sorrow. Four years of Trump and people have sold their souls… Imagine what another four would have done.

Very sad and unfortunate

Oh so now you admit, you were not chosen, you applied??
Now what makes you think you were so special that you were allowed in and others were left out and it’s now your duty to keep others out??
You’re never cease to amaze me!