When I posted the above thread some time last year, some people thought it was a joke or a lie, but I thought I even did more. While looking at Biko’s blog, I found someone who went through the same thing/experience - its not something you wish even your worst enemy. For those still banging lanyes, all the best - I hope you stop soonest. Bikos post is below;
There are afew differences with our coming out though - this guy went to therapists/shrinks, but I went through the church way. Infact, I found alot of support from my pastor then. That’s why no matter how much the mummy-daddy pastors are criticised, there is alot they do to the society they serve. He showed me alot of support although I didnt share what I was going through. He encouraged me, gave me hope when things were tight and guess what- I came out victoriously. I got married in December and so far so good, we have a wonderful marriage, and the girl am married to is very amazing - but I never shared with her my past…I havent strayed yet, and I wont. JESUS IS WONDERFUL, HE IS A REFUGE TO ALL THAT ARE BOUND IN SIN AND ANY OTHER BONDAGE.