When I posted the above thread some time last year, some people thought it was a joke or a lie, but I thought I even did more. While looking at Biko’s blog, I found someone who went through the same thing/experience - its not something you wish even your worst enemy. For those still banging lanyes, all the best - I hope you stop soonest. Bikos post is below;

There are afew differences with our coming out though - this guy went to therapists/shrinks, but I went through the church way. Infact, I found alot of support from my pastor then. That’s why no matter how much the mummy-daddy pastors are criticised, there is alot they do to the society they serve. He showed me alot of support although I didnt share what I was going through. He encouraged me, gave me hope when things were tight and guess what- I came out victoriously. I got married in December and so far so good, we have a wonderful marriage, and the girl am married to is very amazing - but I never shared with her my past…I havent strayed yet, and I wont. JESUS IS WONDERFUL, HE IS A REFUGE TO ALL THAT ARE BOUND IN SIN AND ANY OTHER BONDAGE.

Not this bullshit again…

bado mnawaita mummy na daddy considering wengi wenyu ni wazee kuwashinda? man and religion is one thing i cant fathom.Anyway good on you and more lanyes for us heathens thanks

You need Jesus Christ

Amen, have you thought about giving your life to Christ?

Boss, this section is for sex and relationship, kuna section ya religion pia, feel free to preach there abeg

You need a brain transplant…

Amen, have you thought about giving your life to Christ?

Blame it on @pseudonym :D:D:D

Biko can really write.

malaya 400 over 3 years
52 weeks in a year (52*3years=156weeks)
400 prostitutes divide by 156 = 3 pokos a week
You expect anyone to believe this shit?

You are good with mathematics but,


why pay safcom 250KSHS for MBS TO ENTER TINDER?

I’m afraid it’s this bullshit again

That’s not necessary God dwells in all of us all you have to do is to meditate and you will find hin

bado mnawaita mummy na daddy considering wengi wenyu ni wazee kuwashinda? man and religion is one thing i cant fathom.Anygood on you and more l

why him,there’s buddha,mohammed,ramayan,flying spaghetti and all other deities i can chose from?