Land Issues also simmering in Namibia

It seems the South African region at large wamefika mwisho. Zimbabwe pioneered and it was sneered upon. Now the wave is slowly spreading

I watched the documentaries during the week and I was thrown off. The big lie that is the Namibia and Botswana economies… The big margins in their GDPs are usually in these colonisers, I means how did it become possible for 44% land ownership is but with those few whites?

The GDP figures do not provide a true picture on the ground. I has no idea of the massacre that happened there, then rounding off all the men and taking them into the sea to blow up the ship. I always thought Namibia is relatively socially stable, kumbe the older generation that rolled over and agreed to be shafted is slowly dying off and the younger hungrier youth are not taking it anymore.

Its spreading. The land question has to be resolve now peacefully or it will resolve itself by sporadic force later. The whole of Southern Africa is sitting on a mountain which can erupt anytime.

It started with Zimbabwe… Lucky or unlucky they had uncle Bob.

Hapa naona washaweka prepaid meters kwa communal water points. Wameisha

Same thing with Kenya. The older generation benefited from instead of solving the land problem. It will certainly explode one day.

coast ya kenya pia watu warudishiwe shamba zao kuanzia lamu watu warudi kwao

I would differ a bit from your point… With Kenyan version, Africans took land yes! Not equitably but at least they did… Now it’s later sold in bits as “bloti maguta maguta”, somehow eliminating the unpredictable who the blame is on.

Herero and Nama genocide - Wikipedia

I have seen in the documentary that those tribes were not as backward when the Germans landed ashore. They had carriages, guns and had even managed to make contact with the rest of the world. They were also literate and could read and write.

germans wantaka kuiba vibranium from wakanda

They got it from previous wars with the Dutch. Kumbuka this is relatively recent history.

nimeona kwa doc kitu nikajam sana . whites who are 1% of the population own 50% of agricultural land which are commercialized , which means ni birioneas . so they must also own 90% of the developed land /properties so basically whites own 80% of all land in namibia , they definitely need a Malema . that land walinyakua they did not pay for it warudishe especially agricultural land roho safi ama waone moshi .

Wueh, lazima katanuka huko. But these namibians appear to be too…lemme not say cowardly. There is no resistance to speak of, maybe that’s why the Germans are not worried. Apartheid seems to have broken their spirits for very many decades to come. Even black south africans always let out their frustrations on fellow africans, but seem to have a morbid fear of the white man. Apart from a few like Malema who openly speak of conflict, most seem to be too meek to follow that path.

mmoja hapo owns around 14,000 football fields

i believe alot of NAZIs walihamia huko , where hakuna kupimiwa hewa

huko and Argentina. Several of them have been hunted down in Argentina by MOSSAD

Broken spirits and minds buda. Ideally, indepence for African countries should have come with therapy to repair peoples minds and bodies. We still have an extremely large number of zombie countries, Kenya included.

One doesn’t just ‘get over’ something like colonization. It’s an assault on the body, mind and spirit.

Namibia is that one relative you believe to be doing well, but in reality they’re on the verge of depression and bankruptcy.
Plus I believe whites pissed on us a good one. It saddens me that they continue pissing on our southern brothers.