Lakini Ruto's baby mama Prisca Bett ni mali safi kuliko bibi yake

Si thats how its supposed to be

Does he still hit it?

Nikisafi hiki, @cortedivoire would lick her butt i suppose

Hii ni chafu

Kama hakuna mbisha ya mattercore siwezi Jua kama naweza piga magoti. Lakini
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Si alipata huyo after he had money and fame. He is very confident and agressive. Oozes masculinity and eats what he wants in terms of females.

Wengi mabibi huwa tu what our status could give is at that point. Later tunakula better Juu ya pesa.

One hell of a long face…

Prisca Chemutai Bett .

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I disagree.
Mwanaume ni confidence na lugha.
There is no nyap you can`t eat regardless of your financial status. Money gives you easier access but kujiamini is everything.

money is everything mwanaume…no romance without finance


It’s a no contest …

But I suspect he gets a lot of “external assistance” since he is so busy lately …:D:D

Is she HIV @uwesmake ?

The truth is in the middle

Ile upuzi mimi husoma huku haina limits. Wewe na motivational speakers ni same whatsapp group. Let’s see how a broke Stivo Simple Boy would perform trying to smash Aziadd/Nikita Kering/Natalie Tewa. Sometimes ni poa kuacha bangi and live in reality, not some hypothetical ideal world where anyone can do anything.

Some people, both men and women, are out of each others league and that’s a hard fact. There are women I wouldn’t look at twice and there are women who wouldn’t look at me twice. That’s how the real world works…there are levels. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try, but you already know the likely outcome. If I wanted to smash Rihanna kesho what are my chances? Almost nil. That’s called being realistic.

I dont think its everything but it sure helps alot.
I’m sure you have fkd coworkers and classmates for free at some point in your life where you did not have to use any money. If a woman likes you, she will fuak you and such environments are where women get the opportunity to know you before you spend money on them.
Basically, having money is a big advantage but you can still get some romance without finance.

True, there are many rich guys who can’t vibe a chick to save their lives and then there are hustlers and makangas who eat women like the world is ending. Nimerealize being ballsy is an attractive trait that turns women on

Huyu pia ako na Office? Yani OFFICE OF THE FIRST SIDE CHICK?

Si Zakayo amnunulie camera iko clear bana