si sasa hapa beach zitapotea ikue cliffs hampering transcommunication
also new local climates will arise
but hii si ile crack ilipasua baro somewhere in RV last year
si sasa hapa beach zitapotea ikue cliffs hampering transcommunication
also new local climates will arise
but hii si ile crack ilipasua baro somewhere in RV last year
drying inlets or what?
Signs of the end time…oh my. Come quickly Lord, we are so tired.
Out of all this. The Turkwel Dam for the first time will reach capacity.
And how people said Moi him building a dam there was a white elephant. And yet without that Dam communities living downstream would be completely flooded out…
Let’s take advantage of all this water and harvest it. Because who knows when the next drought season will return.
If you are in RV ungejua this year has been extremely wet. It’s been raining in this region for a year non stop juu nakumbuka hata last year Christmas period l was at kisumu and the lake was just a sitstorm
So you can’t rule out precipitation as a cause. This reminds me of the el Nino ya 97/98 hapo, we gonna be alright
Kenya’s curriculum is heavily dependent on mkoloni, rarely updated. Lazy autocrats kila mahali.
There was a day lake Elementaita dried, you could make a 100m dash across it, not so now. Same year L. Nakuru really shrunk. Currently as i type this the lake has encroached lower KWS offices pale Lake View Estate. The distance is several kilometers and the waters have been rising since last year April when the rains started, at least by my observation. These lakes are going nowhere. At least not now unless famine strikes for half a decade. Most accacia trees are under water, if the waters don’t subside Lake Nakuru habitat will change forever. Those trees will die.
It will take millions of years before the split of the African continent is appreciable. The continent is splitting at a rate of 7mm per year. This means after 100 years, it will have moved a measly 70 cm. Thats basically one step.
What if it started splitting when dinosaurs were around, the million years are winding up in 21st century.
I think it might be the excess rain from 2019 to date or tectonic plate movement. Kenyan geologists ng’ombe sana.
But why the sudden increase in water volume in the last few months? Out of nowhere yet the intensity of rainfall is not that high?!
Indigenous zebu cattle
If we go by this image I don’t think Kenya will lose any territory because I can see lake Victoria and Lake Turkana on the breakaway land. The mtaro looks like it will happen in Western Uganda
Hehehe our Phds are currently analysing bbi, word by word
Inspired by the Old Testament.
It’s simple really. The great rift valley is a phenomena in itself. Same way all the lakes in the region, all the way to the great Lake Victoria. They were all formed by shifting tectonic plates. Nature is simply doing what it does best. Which takes thousands to millions of years to manifest clearly. Do you know the Sahara desert was once underwater.
I see people yapping here about useless professors. They do their work but dont go yapping about it on media. They share among themselves, publish and advice the government/ relevant international bodies. Kenya has great academia in different fields. Maybe this will help.
How are the lakes on the western arm of RV behaving ie Lakes Kivu, lake Albert, Edward, tanganyika etc? Are they also flooded?
And Finally Nyanza si KENYA!
They have been cramming all along while their counterparts in the west get more practical and innovative.
I read somewhere that the Nile(Ancient) was once flowing from West To East i.e Mauritania To Egypt joining the current Nile. There was also an Ocean cutting somewhere from Algeria down to Modern Day Mali connecting it to the Mediterranean sea.
C’mon man, aliens just like angels and demons, do not exist!
During the time of the Dinosaurs, Africa we we know it did not exist. It was part of a continent called Gondwanaland. This is what the map of the world looked like
Which civilization existed at that time?