Ladies use Bolt women cabs Kenyan men are psychos

Bolt has never been serious, most of their drivers are thugs and criminals. There is a young man who was a banker I think with NCBA who took Bolt after an end of year party only for his lifeless body to be found floating in a dam somewhere in Ruiru or huko shamba za Kenyatta along the bypass.

To make the matter worse, he was captured by an ATM’s CCTV withdrawing money using the deceased card. The family never got justice, the car was released and the Driver is actively on the road, probably he has killed again. Directorate of Criminal Investigations - DCI shouldn’t spare these criminals! :disappointed:

But huyo driver is good at multi tasking same time anadrive akarusha client nje tena akadai pesa

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All criminals in transport should be caught and jailed, but this story seems to be missing lot of details, it’s incomplete. Why would you mistreat your customer like this?


This one is really trying this January.

Cab guys are very nasty to women especially at night

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Maybe, but it seems likely they know each other and the querrel might go deeper than the 130 bob. It’s seems negligible as a reason to hurt someone so badly. Just wondering how it escalated from him refusing to give her the change, to throwing her out. Kama alikataa kushuka si angempeleka polisi?
Anyway, kama unataka kuavoid issues na mtu wa bolt keti nyuma, and shun useless small talk. A good idea to be carrying some change as well for a smoother and faster transaction–mpesa can fail.

Those people are deranged. It doesn’t matter what you do. Many taxi drivers are actually robbers. In their other life. So you better not argue with them for charging you more and make sure you don’t go to an ATM they’re capable of killing


Hizo thighs naweza lamba

Aambiwe apanue miguu kiasi nione hizo bruises vizuri

Another man will loose his job and freedom without giving his side of the story

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.