Ladies Listen

Kumbuka hivi wanaume wameumbwa karibu ya wanyama na mwanamke karibu ya Mungu, before you let a man lead you to a ditch, remember that God is closer to you. Do not give the seat of your soul to a man or even a child. It is only designed for God . If you have no idols God will protect you from the animalistic nature of men. If you don’t want to be heartbroken and taken advantage of, always keep the throne of your heart for God. Have you ever asked yourself why in the garden of Eden, Satan never approached Adam? Yet he approached Jesus, angel Gabriel and even went to the approach God at his throne? Why is it that it was the seed of a woman to crush the head of the serpent not of a man?

Psalms 16

I have set the LORD continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

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Even God fears women mbwa hii, older women must not be slanderers

Both men and women were made in GOD’s image
How can Men therefore be "Animalistic" …??
And if so , could women also be the same …??

Our bodily desires are also GOD given
( …and You will agree if they are exercised within the bounds of Matrimony , GOD has no problem with that …!!!)

Do not withhold that sweet fruit from your partner

That would be very sinful:rofl::hotsprings: