I love women. I love yall so much that I am going to give you some seriously tough love. Coz you are breaking my heart.
Young Ladies
So some guy married, single,wealthy, celebrity is on your case talking about you are beautiful and he gives you money and chats you. Whatever. You know the ruse. He’ll even tell you he can’t wait to marry or whatever the hell bullshit. Then you internalize it. Oh my goodness. He loves me. He thinks am hot. I have a phat ass I don’t know. So you let him fuck you and you think muko pamoja. You think he’s your friend. So you just let him do everything to you. Some even let men go in your ass. He loves you. You want to please him. He’s a celebrity. Or he knows a celebrity so you want to get with him for that. He gives you a disease, he gives you herpes like R Kelly or HPV or HIV or you get pregno, he pays for your abortion and best case scenario he just tired of fucking you and dumps you meanwhile he’s told everyone that you are his fuck buddy or part of his harem or woteva. So now you are devastated. You are crying all night. You start drinking. You meet the next guy and it’s the same script. You are a dumb bitch and you haven’t learned a damn from the experience you had. Your head is still in the clouds. You want love. You want attention. You want to party.You want money. You want to be the incrowd. So the same thing happens again. By the time you come out of your naivety, huna Jina, you have had 5 abortions and you are a shell. Lemme explain to you. Men don’t love you. They want to fuck you. They want to use you to brag to their friends. To ejaculate. They are not your friend because they take you out, buy you things and tell you you have a phat ass or that you are beautiful. Not only do men not give a fuck about you, many even have contempt for you. Women are so sheltered, they’re happy, they’re in utopia and they walk out into a crazy cold world with those delusions. They think men are their saviors. The people who will love em, validate em, support em name it. And they go out into the world with that brainwashing and it’s a massacre for many. Particularly very beautiful and well endowed women. Understand that men just want sex. That’s all they want. Sex. Sex and more sex. If you want more get out of your emotions and give them nothing. Drop the man pleasing white knight ideology because it makes you easy to take advantage of. And many women leave home for the world with no strong sense of self, dying for love and validation only to be met by blood thirsty Predators posing as people who can offer those things sometimes they do not even pose, women just project it on any man they encounter bcz fairytales told you men are saviors. Men will give you whatever you don’t have. Like Cinderella. Honey, men are not your friend, they just want what they want from you then it’s on to the next victim. How did Monica Kuria end up with her throat slit, she thought Joey was her friend because he was nice to her, he’d come over and visit at HER house. So she thought that he was her friend and she told him about the money she had bcz how else would he have known? He wanted something from her so he put up a front and she read love from whatever game he was pulling on her. She fell for the games and she paid with her life. That’s how bad it is on these streets. I don’t know what else to say but that it’s time you wise up to the games these people play and come out of the fairytale brainwashing. This world is anything but a fairytale and these men are anything but friends. Wake up. Wake up. Wake the hell up. Stop playing yourself by being naive and being needy for the validation of men. You will suffer unnecessary pain. The End.