Lack of ARVs are causing panic in Kenya (PICS)



Wacheni ujinga. Hii Ni stress ya kutolewa mafutani when you least expect it. Msee hukonda ndio aanze kunona Tena after accepting his fate.


Maybe alikuwa ametoka prayer mountain. watu wanatafuta Mungu huku nje

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Nangoja take ya @sani

This fuckers drain public coffers at every opportunity they get. I should not get any remorseful for that kakonda up there. Labda alipata ukimwi akiharibu pesa ya Uma na mapoko.


Unajua maana ya remorseful and it’s use in a sentence?


Msee anakaa nka amepigwa na radi (siwezi mcheka)
Good health huwa tu luxury ingine watu hu take for granted. Unaamka tu fiti systems zina run smoothly…shukuru Mungu wako. Most of the things we desire and wish to have add very little to our happiness (huwa happiness ya ku force tu). Good health, ati uko tu sawa…walai appreciate.

Kuria anakaa msik though.

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That guy is diabetic and that weight is recommended given his heavy indulgence in alcohol. Hapa hakuna stress.

Alafu OP acha stigma. I doubt Kuria has guitar buana. Even if he did, he doesn’t line in government facilities like kawaida folk to collect his share of “septrin”.


English teacher, I also see that there’s an issue in the thread title. Ulikiwa headmaster?

Na Rao amevaa diapers

Govt apologist tuliza kende.

Hii kijiji imejaa so many semiliterate folks. My dad was a school master when teaching was still a noble profession attracting passionate folks.

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Constitutional expert ndio unaita government apologist wewe mwana haramu?

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Hiyo picha ya tatu hakai sawa. Ata trouser inakaa imechangamkiwa na ngombe.

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