Lab grown meat

Artificial meat is the future and a massive step towards a better world. As a vegan this is tremendous news.

Future Meat Technologies says its cultured products will take up 99% less land, 96% less freshwater and emit 80% less greenhouse gases than traditional meat production, according to its Life Cycle Assessment.

Hanna Tuomisto of Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, who led the research. ‘Cultured meat could potentially be produced with up to 96% lower greenhouse gas emissions, 45% less energy, 99% lower land use, and 96% lower water use than conventional meat.’

80-96% less green house gases sounds good.

  • It can be grown locally, to cut down on shipping costs.
  • No animals are slaughtered
  • Very little land needed for feed crops such as alfalfa
  • Organic doesn’t even apply, no pesticides
  • Important: Doesn’t need fetal tissue, simply take a small sample from a cow, and you can grow beef in a giant vat.

Additionally, for example, lab grown coffee will allow reproducible and year around availability for specialty coffee beans, all for less green houses gases and energy.

Umbwaaaaaa nyama si nyama bila mfupa. Watuachishieee upuzi. Jungu wa kwende na huko na hizo rights zao za kishenzi.

Kama Europe wamerudi kwa nuclear energy na kuita green energy who are we to abandon soft meat in the name of greenchieth? Mother nature knows the best time to reset us to default settings

You are denying progress. I’m sure there were people back in the 1900s who refused to acknowledge cars as a new method of transport. Society moves on while your mind stagnates.

What? Many European countries expect full on renewable energy by 2050

Look here Vegan motapaka, I always make sure to eat just as twice as much meat, just so when a vegan douche thinks they are making a difference, they are actually not making any. I also encourage fellow meat consumers to partake in similar consumption and shun devilish tendencies such as this crap am reading here

I generally hate red meat. I like vegetable options for proteins

Nimewacha kusomea hapa.

Vegan has no equivalent in the Kamusi. Mambo ya walami hayo.

Would it be morally or ethically wrong to consume lab grown meat made from human samples?

Kwani uko dunia gani? Putin threw a spanner in the works. Mambo ya going green has been put on hold

That seems petty and downright disturbing? I wonder why people doing their best to reduce suffering in this world makes you so emotional and aggressive.

No. That is still cannibalism. What a stupid question

That fascist dictator will surely pay for his warcrimes. Either through jail or the Abe treatment.


What suffering? Have you looked into the animal kingdom for starters?

Animals kill each other to survive. Humans in the 21st century don’t need to. Plus we are more conscious of our actions and can differentiate good from evil. So why choose to inflict pain on sentient beings.

How it works

  1. Muzungu produces lab grown meat.

  2. Nyeuthi has no tech to produce lab grown meat.

  3. Nyeuthi starts importing lab grown meat.

  4. Muzungu starts telling nyeuthi to get rid of their cows because they are not good for environment.

  5. Muzungu dominates the lab meat market and takes steps to ensure nyeuthi is never able to enter lab meat production business.


Ama tuskizane tukule vegans na io story tukanyagie

Lab meat siwes kula. Hio ni pandemic ingine inapangwa.

Dude, wake up, this is Africa. Stick your rhetoric kule majuu…ati anaita mboga sentient beings…#tawe!!!

How close are we to this utopia juu l remember reading about it in2008 huko but still not a reality in 2022