There was this sorry story on QTV news of a little angel who is apparently yet another victim of medical negligence at Mbagathi District Hospital. Shoddy treatment and the result? A 3 year old girl will lose three fingers on her right arm!
But what made equally sad is what made her go to hospital. KWASHIORKOR!!! In Nairobi, in 2015!!! And the mother, to me, looks about late twenties or early thirties. Isn’t that shameful?
It’s shameful.
poverty is unjust a violation of human rights
Ni kitu cha kawaida sana. Malnutrition is the order of the day in GoK hospitals. Most of these parents do not have the knowledge, akishashikwa na ugonjwa mapneumonia hivi hivi, thats when the medical personnel admits them for malnutrition. How many of you are living with kids suffering from rickets without your knowledge? I used to blame poverty but it plays a lesser role than ignorance. There is still too much to do in Kenya on Child Health regarding awareness. BTW MDG waliuza wapi?
MDG ziliisha this year now NGO’s and Jeff Sachs have a new buzzword MSDG. hehehe William Easterly went for them witg hammers and tongs
To me it is inexcusable for a mother who is very young to be so ignorant to such an extent. KWASHIORKOR is due to lack of protein in the diet. How so? And it is not in a rural arid village but in Nairobi?! Beans, omena etc are more than abundant and easily affordable in Nairobi, for any excuse!
Yeah ignorance plays a huge role. The mother may not have an idea of what is required in her child’s diet. Akipatia mtoto ugali na uji, bora ashibe, thats enough.
Many kids suffer from marasmus too. Btw, the chokora kids on the streets get better diet than most kids with parents.
They get to eat meat, chicken, fish and other protein rich foods even though it’s scavenged from rubbish bins.
true. and at the end of the day, they have all nutrients in their diet
It’s usually the poorest people who breed like rabbits. You can’t even take care of one kid but look lovingly at your wife and tell her, “Hey, ummm…I have a dick, you possess a vagina. What’s stopping us from having 5 more kids?” I mean
Is there a better ‘pick me up’ than sex when you’re feeling low?
MDG ni nini?
Millennium Development Goals.
MDG zinaisha 31-Dec-2015. Then Sustainable Development Goals. Funding tayari iko for SDG (there was a big conference in Addis Ababa this week; ilikuwa na akina UN, WB, ADB etc). Tuko 2015, and 30% of chilren under 5 years in sub-saharan Africa have some form of protein-energy malnutrition. Some even die. Poverty/SES is the largest single determinant of disease. If we could eliminate poverty, we can reduce disease.
Ndio, ignorance plays a part. Poverty relates to level to education. For rickets, not exposing a child to early-morning sunlight is usually the biggest culprit. Young inexperienced mothers are usually at fault here. Usha ona a mum ameanika a two week old kwa jua ya saa nane? Or anabask mtoto kwa jua na the baby is fully clothed, mpaka those things that look like ski-masks (mboshori) plus stockings? Or kumweka karibu na window inaingiza jua ati hataki kwenda nje (glass panes hu-absorb UV light)?
True, sex is a sure ‘pick me up’! But what happened to family planning?
The government needs to buy TVs for poor people waache kuzaana hivyo
You are talking sense :).
Education mister. Education.
Many poor people aren’t educated. and so the only way to make life worth living, is sexual intercourse after a hard day’s work at mjengo or tarmacking.
Result? Kids. No clue about family planning. Or as we always hear, many are for the old adage, “one of our kids may be president some day”
Hapo ndio ignorance inaingia, rafiki. In addition to ‘traditional values’ of not ‘planning’ your kids.
I guess its a way of spreading risks. Five of my kids will most likely not amount to much, but there might be one that might be just the one who lifts us out of poverty. This kind of approach might have worked in the 60s to 80s, but anyone attempting it now is just being reckless. That “mungu yuko” mentality is so annoying.