Kwa Hivyo Aligraduate 2013?

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[SIZE=7]Raila listed as top 100 most notable alumni of Leipzig University[/SIZE]

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party presidential candidate Raila Odinga’s name features as one of the most notable alumni of the University of Leipzig in Germany.
Mr Odinga’s name is listed as number 41 in the list of top-flight individuals including the immediate former chancellor of Germany, Angela Markell who starts off the list followed by the well as renown philosopher Fredric Nietzsche.
The university’s biography described Mr Odinga as a politician, university teacher and a businessperson before listing his political career including his service as Kenya’s Prime Minister from 2008 to 2013, leader of opposition in Kenya since 2013 as well as the ministries he served in including as Minister for Energy, Roads, Public Works and Housing.

The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (German: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, short OvGU) was founded in [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany. The university in Magdeburg has about 13.000 students in nine faculties. According to the Scopus database there are around 32.900 papers published in international journals from this institute.[3]


An extract from their website

[INDENT]I wrote about the first ego. incubator iGE Innovative Cast Part Development, about exciting research projects such as an energy-efficient furnace for heat treatment in metal processing, about international activities such as the summer school with the Japanese University of Niigata or the visit of the former Kenyan Prime Minister, Raila Odinga , [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]who studied at the institute in the late 1960s[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]. Of course, I also reported the completion of the first construction phase on building 12 and in early summer the handover of the funding for the 2nd construction phase.[/INDENT]ät/Im+Portrait/Profilierungsschwerpunkte/Third+Mission_+Diversity+_+Nachhaltigkeit/Zwischen+gestern+und+morgen.html

Niliona watu wanacheka hio good. But trust me getting a “good” (Note 1.6-2.5) in a German Technical University is not easy, It’s the equivalent of an A minus. Majority of Kenyans get an “adequate” (Note 3.6 -4.0) as their grade. And even that is not easy to get. Not many people graduate within 3 or 4 years. So I’ll give the Mzee massive credit and respect.

Also hardly any Kenyans opt for traditional German system, the overwhelming majority do International Courses, which are much easier to graduate from succesfully. Very many Kenyans doing a traditional German course (Diplom or Magister) end up switching to an International (bachelors, masters) course mid-stream

Lots of comments all over from people who are either too ignorant to lookup facts themselves or willingly peddle lies. Here are some facts about German system of education that will hopefully help understand controversy around Raila’s degree:

  • Until recently, German university degrees did not have a direct equivalent to Anglo-Saxon/American/Kenyan Bachelors/Masters Degree. Germany had Diplom (mainly technical studies) or Magister (mainly humanities/language studies) as degree. Diplom is/was typically attained after around 6 yrs study. ‘Vordiplom’ is an intermediate examination that forms the basis followed by ‘Hauptdiplom’ which concludes the degree. For example a graduant will be awarded with the title ‘Diplom Informatiker or Dipl.-Inf.’ for someone who concludes Computer Science studies. And please this should not be directly translated to Diploma as we know in English because they are not the same.
  • If you earn a Diplom or Magister, you are legible to do ‘Promotion’ (‘provomieren’) similar to ‘Doctorate’ in Kenya. ‘Promotion’ not same as ‘getting promoted’
  • All German degree certificates contain date and place of birth
  • German degree certificate design is rather boring … no fancy stuff and no funny fonts. See Raila’s
  • German degree certificates are generally handed out in German (these days also in English). Degree award date is not same as degree tranlastion date… that should be obvious
  • Degree in Metal Process Engineering is not same as Welding. I wonder why people belittle Raila as Welder.
  • Getting a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘Note 3.0’ in Germany sio mchezo. I can guarantee you many laughing would not even get close to Vordiplom… or even past first semester.
  • Until recently German university never held graduation ceremonies with gowns and graduation pictures. You went to the Dean’s office and your certificate was handed to you tu hivyo and you go. Hiyo maneno ya gowns imeanza recently.

Oh good ni Note 3.0? Nilidhani Note 3.0 ni befriedigend (Satisfactory). Either way, getting Good is no joke. Majority of people get Satisfactory and/or Sufficient/Adequate.

Interesting clarification.

My bad yes you are 100% right:
Sehr gut - gut - befriedigend - ausreichend - ungenuegend/fail

Befriedigend ist still great!

hope it was helpful. Ukisoma comments on Twitter you feel like majority of commentors graduated in Germany :slight_smile:

Niliona watu wakiuliza picha za graduation nikacheka tu. Nilikua nishaambia watu hapa kitambo but people still keep asking to see graduation photos.

Hapo umenena. I know someone who studied and duly graduated in Germany. Since there are no graduation photos and fancy stuff, some still doubt kama alisoma kweli. Yet he holds a corporate job that has a degree as prerequisite. Some accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Remarkably insightful!

madam naomba nikumumunye ovary