Kuna Greek huwa naona kwa Inooro tv imeandikwa " kuma kundu na kundu" huwa inamaanisha nini. Mi huisoma in Swahili and start smiling sheepishly, knowing very well it has nothing to do with the loose Swahili translation
It’s actually the way it is!
Hahahaaaa… Nyarwath leo umevuta moshi gani?
I bet it’s not
direct transleshen
From all walks of life ata cjui kama ndion meaning.
wasapere wanikosoe
From places/areas and places
:D:D:D I will never look at that sentence again without laughing… it had never been derogatory for me since I read it in Kikuyu. @gashwin, kuja kidogo. I can’t be the only one shattered by this.
It’s actually Kuuma kūndū na kūndū, be mindful of Kikuyu vowels.
How would I know yet I don’t speak that language
Ni ya rangi ya waridi…
but it actually means from hapa na pale.
Thanks @gashwin now I know
Kuna nyingine nulitumiwa na mtu but when I asked for translation, the lady I laughed it off, naezauliza hapa pia?
ngojea firimbi
Uri wahoya muhiki keino fiu fiu agakuima na akarega fiu nginya ukoma ta Atari nakio, I know its vulgar because of a name there but nataka kujua what it means
Have you ever really begged for pussy but the “pussy-carrier” denied you in such a way that you were convinced she didn’t have a pussy?
:D:D:D:D shit still funny
And imagine this message was sent to me by a lady
I bet you got the answer now