Upus kabisa shule za maskini Kenya ni kama maximum security prison our days ukishikwa na Palito ni shida tupu.
Mwalimu bado anafanya tactics za beberu.
Ukifika college hizi upuzi zote hakuna mbona isiwe hivyo kwanzia primary?
Upus kabisa shule za maskini Kenya ni kama maximum security prison our days ukishikwa na Palito ni shida tupu.
Mwalimu bado anafanya tactics za beberu.
Ukifika college hizi upuzi zote hakuna mbona isiwe hivyo kwanzia primary?
South Africa you can have a phone at school
Wewe ni legend kama ulipata Palito radios…nakumbuka tukiingiza tule tudogo kabisa twa black…that thing ingefanya uvunjiwe locker ama sanduku na mgondi
Hapo Kwa prison ni bullseye kabisa. I spent some days in remand na everything is like a Kenyan boarding school. From the building design to the ghastly food to the archaic rules to the sleeping arrangements that remind one of a dormitory. Meffi beberu systems.
Shule za mababi you can have your radio mbona shule za gava kuna such nonsensical rules? Ama they don’t believe poor people should have any fun and have no rights… Sick society this
100% similar to prisons vijana lazima wakue kipara,kuna visiting days which have to be between xxxx and xxxx hours,paro anapigwa tero pale kwa gate.
Boarding schools huwa na upuzi mingi sadly imekuwa normalized.
High end schools have clients
Gava schools have a slave class or are meant to produce an obedient slave class.
It’s systematic bullshit with no easy answer except to make enough money so that your kids don’t go through that system
Schools, laptops, desktops, gaming equipment should all be allowed in schools. The world over, kids all own these things and use them in and out of the classroom.
Why can’t idiot African parents and teachers understand that the world today is a completely different one from 50 years ago when they were growing up?
Why do these boomer cunts want to control the new generation so bad? Kwanza boarding schools in Kenya should be made illegal. When the Brits created them, it’s because back then they had a full matron, multiple well-equipped dorms, libraries, pharmacies etc. That’s how boarding schools were meant to be. That’s how boarding schools are like in other parts of the world. Kenyan boarding schools today are akin to prison. We aren’t meant to have such under-resourced schools as boarding schools. Their original use-case can’t be supported by stupid black teachers and parents. That’s why all schools in Kenya except the private ones with all the necessary equipment including a live-in matron, good food etc should be day schools.
Blacks can’t govern and they’re slaves to remnants of processes that they themselves can’t even understand.
Kuna hatari ya explosion hapo. Pounding a lithium battery with a hammer and shorting it’s electrode results in a very nasty explosion.
That kid can be blinded any moment
chuo nilikuwa hot commodity ilikuwa blue- band ama BB
Two applications…Lubing ur ass…ama mkate
nice tymes
Chemistry teacher pia hajui hivyo
Palito was too valuable kuachwa kwa box unabebana nayo
Ni kama wakati wetu na radio za Palito