This is a spesho dedicashon to you…my ex hun and also a big shout out to my buddies. You know yourselves so and so Wa Mushiko (we spoke last night at length so you know who I am), so and so Wa Girethi, Nginyo, Shiko, Njoki and all others that I hang out with when I land huko East Lando. Tonight natokea mpaka morning. A big shout out to DJ George pale Thatched house and all the crew kina Komasha. Na Wangu wa Makeri na Muirure…see you tonight. And Gashathi you sold out to Nasa…a hie will do not more than that.
BTW Kyuk dudes in Randan/UK call themselves their Mum’s names.
MM there is a song I am looking for. I need to dedicate it to my bro @Ka-Buda. It goes like this…'ndehera shiana ishio ni thakame yakwa, ona akorwo…do you know it? Today is Kyuk night out for me and my ilk.