Kusalimiwa Ama Kupuliziwa Dawa Alafu Kupeana PIN Zako Zote Voluntarily

This type of cases were and are still common. There is a dude who worked for Forex back in 2006 who lost close to 2 Million Shillings hapo Kenyatta Avenue beck in the days of SIMMERS Bar & Restaurant.
The dude used to unwind his evenings hapo 680 Hotel kwa Casino by then called KINGS Casino. So one evening he hooked up with a harlot and club hopped to Simmers just across the road for drinks and mbuzi choma. Jamaa was just drinkong soft beer Heineken but a few kisses later the dude handed over his bank cards and a wad of foreign bank notes that he had hidden in the boot of his car parked near city hall. total damages from ATMs and liquid cash were later confirmed to be north of 2 Million KSH.

OGOPA SANA Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)


Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) . This is a strong benzodiazepine (a class of tranquilizers) also known as Mexican Valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, roche, R2, rope, or the forget-me pill.


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kuna jamaa aliniambia manjege hutumia hii shit kwa interrogation.

majamaa wanashindwa kwanini warazi wanajua their every move?

wanaanza kushukiana na kuchukiana wakiitana ma snitch -

kumbe enforcers of the oppressive babylon system wako many steps ahead thanks to rohypnol!!


Kule USSR na SODOM zamani during the cold war walikuwa wanatumia such interrogation drugs on captutred spies. To counter this the spies had Cyanide tablets on standby and would quickly swallow that tablet of being captured was inevitable.

There was a European guy who Drunk a vial of Cyanide in court just recently instead of spewing incrimnating evidence and spending life in prison.


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Except Rohypnol causes blackouts and memory loss, hence it’s popularity as a date-rape drug. Your friend was talking out of his ass.

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