Hii nayo apana this is being stupid if they don’t speak out while a young soul is being tortured…
I’ve done this kind of thing many times before and I can tell you for a fact the relevant authorities don’t care for such cases. Kwanza police even rape cases they prefer you sort it out chini ya maji, they will only take action when given a bribe. 9 times out of 10 story za domestic/child abuse inaishia kwa ofisi ya OCS ama Chief. It’s a harsh reality I’ve come to accept.
record that mama doing that next time and post …u will see how things will flow
April 14, 2020, 11:58am
Hii thread tells how horrible we have become.
I grew up seeing my dad na wazee wa easto solving issues kama hizi hiyo mtaa.
April 14, 2020, 12:31pm
Hiyo ni maisha ya Kijiji man, what can you do? Unless you’re willing to house and feed that affected person ni panganga tu. My neighbour has a kid from another marriage, every morning when he leaves for work the wife beats the little girl like an animal until her screams are heard throughout the neighbourhood and nobody does anything about it. Wanangojea siku mtoi atakufa from internal bleeding then they’ll tell the press how the child was sobhorribly abused, serikali ichukue hatua blah blah blah.
And you are one of the bad neighbours
Yeah I’m a bad neighbour, because I’ve learned from personal experience that shit doesn’t get resolved. I once had to move from another plot in Mountain View after reporting a neighbour for child abuse and nothing happened to him because he bribed the OCS. He later found out it was me who reported him and he used the very same cops to harass me for months. The other tenants supported it and said I should have minded my own business. They became so hostile eventually I had to leave.
It’s easy to play Good Samaritan when there are no negative consequences. In reality good intentions rarely produce good results.
Yeah I’m a bad neighbour, because I’ve learned from personal experience that shit doesn’t get resolved. I once had to move from another plot in Mountain View after reporting a neighbour for child abuse and nothing happened to him because he bribed the OCS. He later found out it was me who reported him and he used the very same cops to harass me for months. The other tenants supported it and said I should have minded my own business. They became so hostile eventually I had to leave.
It’s easy to play Good Samaritan when there are no negative consequences. In reality good intentions rarely produce good results.
:D:DEnyewe Nairobi kila mtu alikuja kutafuta.
si aende akuonyeshe hio nyumba halafu tuone vile utafanya?
April 14, 2020, 1:40pm
Yeah I’m a bad neighbour, because I’ve learned from personal experience that shit doesn’t get resolved. I once had to move from another plot in Mountain View after reporting a neighbour for child abuse and nothing happened to him because he bribed the OCS. He later found out it was me who reported him and he used the very same cops to harass me for months. The other tenants supported it and said I should have minded my own business. They became so hostile eventually I had to leave.
It’s easy to play Good Samaritan when there are no negative consequences. In reality good intentions rarely produce good results.
For a child, you should sacrifice. Not your life but your comfort. The tears and cries of that child will haunt you every other day. Kwanza unaeza lemewa na mama? It’s not that she can beat you
One day I heard noises outside my apartment around 10. I peeped outside and saw my neighbor beating up his girlfriend. I rarely talked to them other than occasional hi when we passed each other. He was really punching her and she was fighting back trying to get off the choke hold. Anyway I ran out and when I got close he heard me coming and they stopped. And went their way. Funny thing is she rarely said hi after that. But about three weeks later, I saw them back together again.
April 14, 2020, 2:19pm
One day I heard noises outside my apartment around 10. I peeped outside and saw my neighbor beating up his girlfriend. I rarely talked to them other than occasional hi when we passed each other. He was really punching her and she was fighting back trying to get off the choke hold. Anyway I ran out and when I got close he heard me coming and they stopped. And went their way. Funny thing is she rarely said hi after that. But about three weeks later, I saw them back together again.
I tell you. Relationships you are not involved in are very hard to understand. Maybe the woman abused him or was even the one who started the fight.
Yeah I’m a bad neighbour, because I’ve learned from personal experience that shit doesn’t get resolved. I once had to move from another plot in Mountain View after reporting a neighbour for child abuse and nothing happened to him because he bribed the OCS. He later found out it was me who reported him and he used the very same cops to harass me for months. The other tenants supported it and said I should have minded my own business. They became so hostile eventually I had to leave.
It’s easy to play Good Samaritan when there are no negative consequences. In reality good intentions rarely produce good results.
Ungesema hivi,“No good deed goes unpunished”.That’s all…
April 14, 2020, 2:24pm
All humans get punished if they err. The Govt jails or fines you. Your employer sacks you! Your wife “punishes” you by feigning headache etc. How do you punish her as a desperate soul?
Guys have chosen the beta lifestyle.Avoid confrontations at all cost even if it’s the kids getting hurt.
Hiyo ni maisha ya Kijiji man, what can you do? Unless you’re willing to house and feed that affected person ni panganga tu. My neighbour has a kid from another marriage, every morning when he leaves for work the wife beats the little girl like an animal until her screams are heard throughout the neighbourhood and nobody does anything about it. Wanangojea siku mtoi atakufa from internal bleeding then they’ll tell the press how the child was sobhorribly abused, serikali ichukue hatua blah blah blah.
Hapana hii ndugu please do something. At least write the jamaa an anonymous letter or child protective services. Something about the helplessness of kids really breaks my soul . Adults wajipange
Yeah I’m a bad neighbour, because I’ve learned from personal experience that shit doesn’t get resolved. I once had to move from another plot in Mountain View after reporting a neighbour for child abuse and nothing happened to him because he bribed the OCS. He later found out it was me who reported him and he used the very same cops to harass me for months. The other tenants supported it and said I should have minded my own business. They became so hostile eventually I had to leave.
It’s easy to play Good Samaritan when there are no negative consequences. In reality good intentions rarely produce good results.
No good deed goes unpunished
Once upon a time in a tiny town huko north rift tulitoka kwa local bar kama tumeiva mbaya, tukapata mjamaa akifight na galdem kwa parking lot. Dem alikuwa amelalishwa ameshikwa chokehold… Tukauliza kunaendaje, huyo msee akatoa pistol. Tuliuma corner tukajitoa polepole
Kwa polepole umetudanganya, mulitoka mguu niponye