Kunguru sikuli tena

After getting infected with some std by some un-known kunguru, "unknown because i ate like 6 kungurus last month "… i decided to get tested for the big STD(hiv) last night
my biggest worry was that i ate all those kungurus protected…yet still got the infection…

Am negative but i have been so scared… nimewachana na kunguru, wacha nitafute gf

A buddy of mine got herpes yet he claims yeye huvaa rubber 24/7… Pengine you got the thing from bj.

Good move.


Condoms are not panacea, some infections are gotten through kissing, others through skin contact.
Sweating while at it can pass you some sh!t.

Ngoja miezi tatu upimwe tena

How long does the hiv take to show on these take-away tests?


luweeeereeee! R.I.P marehemu mtarajiwa.


This has been my protection from days of 1st ebola incidence. Previously owned by my uncle and hoping to pass to my sons in future.

Pole man, so many stds out there know how to evade cd’s

Congrats, nice decision you are making boychild


Bado uko period ngojea 90 days upime tena



U can head to Nyota house 3rd floor Accra rd…there is someone who can treat it well via alternative medicine…but kimfuko jipange…due to lab tests…

Shauri moyo iko side gani hapa tao, ama mat huko ni number gapi?

Next time vaa industrial gumboots. They do well on all grounds dry or wetlands

This guy got you

You feasted on them just last month then got tested? Bado window period haija isha… Saa hii hio virus ya ukimwi bado inachapa ma press ups kabla ikuactie movie…