Dame ana floss huko Mukuru venye ama bite ex wake…and this ex ati ana meza ma ARV. Hapa ndio napiga dame mablow kama ndume…

huyo alikuwa determined

cant relate

Sasa jana we went drinking with his friend eventually nikapitia kwake to pick something…


Mambo ya ratchets tutawakataza marangapi! But, they are both dumb and emotionally unstable, they deserve each other. Acha wakulane kabisa!

Fuck these ratchet whores have mental issues. Si yeye ndie alienda kwake kumtafuta. But that guy is also being hen pecked

Countess Dracula


Lesson:Usichokozane kama wewe ni mnyonge.

sometimes life yields surprises!

:D:D:D This caught him offguard.

Ndio aumwe mara hizo zote,kwani alikua tei kiasi gani? Alafu huyo ni dame ama umbwa mwitu?


Count Dracul

Dracula the lord of blood sucking

never, cunt, and will never relate

She has mental issues

Maendeleo ya Wanaume need to help the boy Chaod

Jamaa anaumwa kama miwa, ferk.

Ukiona dame anafungua beer na meno…Run.