Huyo kunguru alikuwa girlfriend about 7 years ago. We parted then she went back to her ancestral home to start a business. She was only 18 then. Since three weeks ago, she started chatting me up on the phone. Just general things. Then three days ago she drops the bomb. ATI she is coming to my town coz she wants to visit some office. Then jokes ATI lazima ninunue nyama. I am confused. I fear to meet her coz sijui itakuwaje. She appears more round and juicy from her FB and Instagram pictures. I am confused. Nizime simu ama ninunue nyama?
Face your fears. What does not kill…
Men used to be men
nunua nyama kama yuko round
Umekua ukinunua nunu from hookers for the last 4years alafu unashtuka juu ya ex?
What part of ‘ex’ husumbua watu kuelewa jameni?
Hii maswali ya drama festivals peleke huko mukuru kwa zubaga
Sasa kuzima simuuuuu… brathe, wacha bonoboism.
If you dont wanna screw her this time but want to keep options open, sema tu youl be outta town.
If you dont want her for a few months, sema tu you are currently with someone.
tukufungulie paybill ya kununua viagra ama?
Chunga usiletewe kaswende babaa na uko na bibi
Do you know that yawning is contagious?
Meet her and meat her buana. Iko nini?
This is public knowledge.
Kama huezi chukua slices bila shida,ondokea. Ex wanakunga wazuri tu juu lazima utamanga. Then what? Kilo 150 za baggage?!? Ai, apana, afadhali ikae
kaswende/trapping loading…two things here either ume omoka ama wewe ni beta male she has chosen to be cash cow for child support she has been pegged by broke ninja and you are her refuge
Ata dai DF kumbe ako na ball ya one month.
Troll alert
Shifo is confused.