Kunguru accusations

Another top college prospect’s career ruined. I really hope one day hawa false accusers wapewe same sentence the man would have been given.

wont happen the feminists will wail that it will scare the real victims from coming forward

Sadly true. They’ve never walked the talk when it comes to “equality”

LoL. In America rape accusations have been weaponised against political rivals. Only fools think this is a ‘feminist’ issue. If I was the guy I would slaughter the bitch.

Ninatoka prison. Rape her then drive a copper inside her head

Are college athletes politicians? Even normal guys wa ofisi have been fucked over by false allegations. This is women knowing they can do dumb shit with no consequences, an effect of feminism

not if you’re a little crazy. Always cultivate the reputation of being a little crazy.

Personally I doubt any woman can falsely accuse of me of such. They know I’ll take it further than they’ll ever dare. I’m the kind that will go down with an opponent.

You try to malign my good name, I also malign your name. And while we’re at it, maybe I should go burn your house down. Maybe even do something a little crazier…

Get people to fear you. Usikuwe one of these mjinga mjinga guys…

He’s not a college prospect. He was an NFL potential hall of fame kicker. During preseason I think he kicked something like 70 yards field goal. This whole thing smelt like witch-hunt from start but as you pointed out, feminists

feminist empowered bullshit countries.

if the politicians can get away with it so can the bitches with feminist affectations.