Kumbe the guy who killed himself in Kitengela over marital problems is my friend's cousin

patiana ndiasa wacha kusumbua


Eiii vaneh, si ukuwe tu na utu kidogo. Sasa naona you are playing hard to get…(hehe)
Kaka @Simiyu22 is so willing and able. Naona hapo ame ku defend kweli kweli. A true african man. Hapo angepiga mutu ngumi ya mapua kwa kukuharibia CV.


Rexxenga there’s no reverse gear once a gal becomes a sex worker, wale huvumilia become drunkards by age 26, the pain is too much, then need drugs to numb the pain, kama si hivyo heri atombwe non stop

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  • Is your definition of a “sex worker” the same as a person who supports herself PRIMARILY from immoral earnings …???

  • Can anyone who funds her lifestyle from “gifts” ( solicited or otherwise) , donations , demands or “qud pro quo” requirements be considered a “sex worker” …???

In conclusion…
A few pictures of some well known personalities will do the talking

Draw your own conclusions:rofl::joy:


images (31)_6


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Batshit crazy…that phrase was consistently used by Ruth Langmore in Ozark, that’s when I learnt about it. Your writing skills are impeccable, everytime I read you I love the prose even when I may not agree with the points.

I almost agreed with someone who thought you are Njeri Thorne coz both of you are brilliant women, well cultured and schooled, daddy’s daughters and your view of men and relationships seems aligned. Anyway just a view…


Yes, through a lot of men.
. She just had an aweful day, putting a show for men, and apparently they’re really entertained and cheering. Of course the following day huyo lanye alirudi kuendelea kupiga mboka. Servicing men. Unfortunately 99.999% of this Kijiji won’t PASS :joy:
Kwanza Kodivoa he must do what he does kwanza

Let’s talk about those exes you talk about, am sure ni MBARUya na JAruo walikua wanakupinda mijeledi. After years of heartbreaks ukametamophosise to JUNGUU time beeeeeeech

I think he is also a cousin to someone we were in traffic jam with…

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Thank you for the kind compliments. Thank you.

A lunje will break my ass. These people have dangerous stamina, I prefer a kyuk with his githeri, one minute man. Lunjes are not people to mess with unless you want to damage your vulva.

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I won’t stab myself or burn down a house over a angel let alone a junguu.

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Uhunye ni cousin ya mbitika na hasumbui.


Chief Mbuta si mjasa?

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Utabadilika ama tutaishi hivi sio kiuks wote one minute men kuna wale bado wanapenda omena na Mboga kienyeji ukipatana na wao session utatii

Today I want to talk about something sensitive that is becoming a monster …


The pain of love betrayal and the deep struggles of depression that can follow are so devastating.

It’s painful to be betrayed by someone you once trusted with your heart, and the resulting emotional turmoil can be incredibly overwhelming.
It’s okay to feel hurt, angry, or lost during this time.

If you’re going this situation, please know that you’re not alone , there are millions suffering. Reach out to trusted friends, family, or a mental health professional for support.

Your feelings are valid, and it’s important to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being during this challenging time.

Remember, healing takes time, and it’s okay to seek help.

You are stronger than you know, and brighter days are ahead.
Take small steps each day towards healing and self-care.

You deserve love, respect, and happiness. :heartpulse:

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Napenda one minute. Light duties. I’m not a sex worker to withstand prolonged periods of being pummeled


Very disturbing …:blush::fire:



If you find yourself in this situation no prophet or magician can conjure any tricks for you. Just step in front of an SGR train


Hehe, It ended before it even began.

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You can see the disappointment on both faces