That’s a harsh judgment to woman kind even though we do have those with loose morals and low standards of self respect.
Natafuta migwa. Wapi nitapata town?
Kubali tu ishe wote ni ma lanye tu, bei ndio watu hawafiki ata wewe niki kaa na wewe siku mbili nita jua bei might not be money but bei iko.
Bei yangu not materialistic. I ain’t lanye. You can not put price on a lady of virtue. Hiyo ni ya low moral women I guess.
Taja bei yako engineer
Am not being judgemental here tafadhali. Laumu nature sio mimi.
Sina bei baa. Sijiuzi. Like I said you can not put price on a woman of virtue but for the low value and loose morals. Asante
Si unipe nyau hii weekend
Sio nature. There are good and very principled women around. But since the phenomenon of “we are what we consume and we are what we attract” So if a guy is an adulterous type, you attract and find yourself always in company of or meeting loose ladies. So this person’s conclusion is that all ladies are hoes. Mark you he has not even met 1000 in number ever since he became an adult. Similar to women who are of low principles ; they attract and meet men of their caliber and start crying all men are dogs. But they only met a few bad as them. So that does not hold water. If one changes locations of social connections, you meet different people.
Tafuta wenye kupeana readily at a price. They do sell them as fast food. Thank you.