This guy has gone through a lot…
At least katoi ni photocopy yake
That’s true… Otherwise it would have been a double tragedy…
Kuna vitu zinaitwa gender roles. Things that the other spouse can’t negotiate.
A woman should never negotiate with a bankrupt husband and a man should never negotiate with a cheating wife.
Those are the unwritten rules of engagement in marriage. The man brings the bacon and the woman guarantees his paternity by not being a whore.
When one person cant fulfil his/her end of the agreement the marriage crumbles. Huyu jamaa alisota. He failed to meet his end of the bargain in the marriage. Naturally, his wife left.
So Governor mutua is right to demand a refund from Lillian since they were not married?
I concur with this statement but vitu kwa ground ni different. Females wengi wanakuanga low IQ. Plus there is a reason they are called the weaker sex. Over 90 percent of them hawananga strong principles and this is because they are genetically that way. They don’t have strong willpower to stick to progressive principles. They also don’t have a strong willpower to resist fun things like drinking, outings, sleeping with random guys, and such.
They are not built to think forward for themselves but mostly for their children. Dem anakuanga much more likely to cheat on a guy than a guy is likely to cheat on a gal. The average gal cheats many more times than most guys cheat.
Verdict: Ukichukua bibi, chukulia ni mtu hafifu. Akicheat usimletee shida saana ju hivo ndivo wako… Shida ni arepeat…
Motivation ya simps
Hakuna simping. It is the reality. If you marry, be ready to be cheated on. Usiseme hukuambiwa. Just don’t marry a cheater. Adapt to your current environment and you will prosper. Here’s a quote from Charles Darwin:
It is NOT the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is NOT the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to Adapt and Adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.
Poor guy
When she infects you with a nice cocktail of STDs that’s when utajilaumu kwanini haukumletea shida.
If you know she’s fucking outside fk her with a CD…
By then it’s too late and you’re 5 years away from leaving your kids orphaned.
So what’s your solution…
Fuck…yaani umesema wanawake ni binadamu hafifu? Yaani una confidence kusema your mother is a lesser being. And she is a slut cause she can’t help it? Tumia akili.
You can do what you want with this information. I’ve not called anyone a slut. Nimesema majority hawana willpower to stand by progressive principles…
Hawakutengenezwa kuvumilia mambo like a man does. They are programmed to choose the best male provider for their children.
In short all those things apply to your mother nataka ukubali hiyo. Umesema women cheat cause that’s what they do. So pia mama yako hutombwa na kila mtu cause that’s what she does.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Do not whorish behaviour from your woman.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Do not whorish behaviour from your woman.
shaniqwa alieka kunguru kwa nyumba
I have not said anyone is a lesser being. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our mothers. I’m not talking about our mothers in this context I’m talking about living with our wives and girlfriends. Your mother will love you through thick and thin, but your wife will most likely wont. So my point is in the context of our wives and gfs.
My point is if you are marrying, please consider that you are the main provider. So usitegemee bibi yako atavumilia shida zikitokea because it is not actually her responsibility. This is why I said weak in this context. As in prepare to be the main breadwinner. Also prepared to be played. When this happens, know how to handle the situation considering all factors including the wellbeing of your kids… Ni hayo tu kwa sasa…