Kujichocha ni nzuri but-Another Simple question

Up to this point in your life, how would you feel if your child(ren)followed every move and step you have made, doing everything you have done, saying everything you have said?

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I would be a proud dad, confirming they are from my loins 100%

I would be proud too


As if they will not!

There are some things I wouldn’t want them to do…like alcohol


I actually consider introducing my kids relatively early to alcohol to get rid of the myths and their ‘excitement/ fascination with the unknown’
(Msiulize kama sex matters ni the same):D:D:D

I would be disappointed. I have gotten where I have not only because of my choices, but the independent choices others have made in regards to me… I fear they might not be as lucky. And what kind of father would I be if I let my kids repeat my mistakes instead of working hard to ensure they make new ones?

I just want to know when you are planning to immunize them against gunshots/bullets because I want to come and watch.

May never get there:)

He he he! They might be dead from alcoholism thanks to you. Cool dad!

Haha cool dad yes. Alcoholism hapana. Trick ni kuwaonjesha kiasi before they develop a taste for it. Hiyo ukali iwafanye waichukie na wapunguze curiosity

70% i would be proud daddy. About alcohol, i hope they dont get there, about education i would be proud, only a little more hard work and i will be very happy.

in the neighbourhood i grew up there were this mama pimas selling chang’aa the mama’s children never take alcohol up to now yet they grew up seeing it and people drinking in their homes. and if they do drink they drink responsibly after past adulthood. We asked the mamas there how comes her children dont drink they gave us the same answer, giving the child changaa when he / she’s young and they will never want it again

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@Lab iyo avatar ya kwako inachekesha ajabu.

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You left facebook to come here and ask wazee such a question. After we tell you what will happen?

“I wish I never tasted alcohol” Laments of many alcoholics.

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I would say I’m okay with about 95% of it for a daughter. After all, well-behaved women seldom make history plus, I know what I do now from all the mistakes I made (and will continue to make).

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The problem is trying out the ‘forbiden’ way too late…the human psyche tends to overcompensate.

We all know of the 30yr old virgins who ended up being serial kidinyis.:D…no pun or reference to any villager hehe

No way I would want any of my kids to do all the sexing I have done.
Alcohol though they can drink all they wish.
Despite so many of my family members being regular drinkers, none is an alcoholic.

They are carriers of the recessive gene alcoholic.

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