Kuibiwa bibi mchana mchana

Every woman is a hoe by default, the difference is in the price.

If a billionaire politician starts getting interested in your wife, anza tu kulia since nothing can save your marriage.

Money is not that important to some people, including women. If a person grew up without money, large amount of money is useless to her. Yes, she is missing a lot for not having money but she is not aware of this. Being attracted to people with money therefore does not apply. However, you are correct if you are talking about women who have had many body counts in their youth that was primarily driven by money. Promiscuous women are never loyal to any one

bonobo orangutan
tuko pamoja brarry keìno gia cùgùo[ATTACH=full]389660[/ATTACH]

Physical attraction does play a role in the choice of sexual mates. A huge one.

Even for women… Many men never appreciate that fact.

An ordinary handsome man who has “game” can easily seduce a politician’s wife as well.

Ultimately, beautiful women will seek out handsome men. Fact!!

Money is not the only factor in seduction.

If a man is handsome and rich, all the better.

Taking your hypothetical situation further, I would predict that if governor Awiti showed interest in a very beautiful young woman, chances will be that she will try to leverage her sexuality as long as possible to get money, without sleeping with him… (That is if she is the type to play such games)

If a billionaire politician or just any loaded guy starts encroaching on your wife, you smile and pack your things and leave them alone.

Madharau utaonyeshwa mbaya sanaa as expected.

She will learn her lesson the hardway. Sooner she will be back after being used. Wewe tafuta mali nyingine safii and live your own happy life without tolerating kungurus.

She will live to regret it na depression itamwua. After hapo atakuwa anatafuta wananaume but ni kumtumia tu. If by bad luck she is a psychopath baadaye unashangaa why a woman goes on a killing spree like Kangongo.

Akitoa hiyo nguo hizo mapaja itakaa kama ugali ya jana.

Anyway, bora shimo ni ile ile

jaluo nani amekuuliza io…umbwa takataka

Between being handsome and having money, the latter will always win. Even Awiti can bed any kunguru he can think of. But of course to the extent of the price he is willing to pay. Ata ukuwe na sura mbaya aje, kama you’re loaded, any woman can fall for you. It will be transactional

A majority of women don’t have that kind of brain to look beyond that. Women a mostly simple minded

Sun your balls, stop simping

@ndume @Muthafari

We are inherently motivated by security. The scope of security differs from one person to the other.
Often times, money facilitates a lot of securities.

Why do people think politicians have alot od money? ?? Majority of this political blokes are so broke… . Only a few have hard cash to spend and blow around with females. The rest ni survivors like your area MCA, or Mpig, on the other hand there are business men who have money yet quiet, fear this one’s with stealing your gfs. ND a matured well brought up woman can’t be bought with money, wachana na wasichana wa Umoja, donholm, South b,. Go for well bred women who money ain’t an issue but where your intellect counts.

Kama Okari na Betty.

I think women want a blend of both. However, only women know what they truly want so this is just speculation.

I think women are also superficial only to a lesser degree compared to men. They are also more financially pragmatic than men when looking for mates.

I think a 23 year old girl will prefer a 30 year old man with $200k than a 60 year old man with $600k if she is looking for a long term relationship.

She will be willing to forego the extra $400k financial security for a happier and less transactional marriage where she genuinely desires the man sexually. Note that I’m specifying long-term relationships, not an affair.

@Half_Human I think this is a perfectly reasonable argument. Even a moneyed old timer seducing young women isn’t transactional just for the sake of it.

He will start feeling used.

I think it is @MikeOck who said that desire can never be negotiated.

A very nice analysis, but madame wa kanairo are just another species of women, they go for the legal tender any time.

I specified long term relationships.

Short term a.k.a booty calls they will obviously rank money higher.

Ushafika 30 unaanza kujiconsole ati 23 years will want you with $600k which is also imaginative? Unataka agemates wake watombe nani sasa?

This is the problem when dealing with vipiis. Umesoma wapi 30 year old with $600k?

most guys in 30s dont have even a quatre of $200k