Kugongeana Si Tamu Tena

Last year around August, I met a 25 year old lady who was married and had a 7 year old daughter. She’s from Kahawa West and owns a nice salon in the same area.

We began seeing each other…niliconfirm Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest!

I had assumed that tunakulana chini ya maji, kumbe nilipigwa upper cut na butwaa! Around the beginning of October, the husband alijua his wife was cheating. Seems like the lady (l’ll call her Anne) had suddenly become emotionally distant and aroused suspicion.

Anne’s husband sneaked to her WhatsApp and linked her account to his phone. He read the explicit chats between his wife and I. He confronted her and even threatened to call Anne’s parents and tell them about the affair, but she persuaded him to stop overreacting.

After a couple of weeks me and Anne resumed our engagement. It was all fun and games until the day she called to inform me that she hasn’t experienced her menses. This was Mid-November 2024.

I played it cool and told her to wait since she had taken P2 pill two weeks ago. However, she insisted that she had conceived and said something that shocked me!
Anne told me that hasn’t been sexually active with her husband for a month and in case she’s pregnant, she intends to keep it!!

Ever since we began f-king, Anne told me that she takes the daily Femiplan birth control pill. She even carried them while coming for sleepovers at my place.

So here I am worried what would happen if the husband discovers that Anne and I never broke up. I wasn’t prepared to accommodate her, especially if she happened to be pregnant!

Days go by and I’m pretending to be calm and cool with Anne. On one Sunday morning, she called to cancel her visit to my place because her period appeared unexpectedly. I have never felt such relief, except maybe when umelipa karao hongo na he’s unlocking handcuffs from your wrists!

I took a couple of days to gather enough confidence. I told her that we had to breakup because I wasn’t ready for the consequences that would arise if her husband discovered that she might be pregnant with my child.

Anne was annoyed and insisted that I’m overreacting. However, the fact that she firmly insinuated that she’s pregnant with my child isn’t a minor issue that’s easily swept under the rug.

She calls and sends texts every now and then but I just feel there’s something weird going on.

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Wacha ujinga…grow up!


Unapangiwa mapangalee na hubby. Block and delete her kabisa, si umegonga, ama you want more

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And you believe the husband doesn’t know you are still seeing each other?


Nimepatikana once. Alikosana na bwanake kwa hasira akamwambia kuwa huwa anakuliwa nje. Akaonwa war kama Ile ya Ukraine hadi akanitaja na kupeana simu yake ilikuwa na FB kwa bwanake. So the nigga used to chat me na simu ya wife yake.

Luckily, niliona chatting style yake ni ya ushamba coz ilikuwa ni kama tu Kikuyu. I sensed si kuzuri nikalenga.

I used to post church photos which clearly showed jina ya kanisa nilikuwa naenda so I guess that is how he tracked me coz one day, soja wa church alinishow some negro was asking about me akionyeshana picha yangu. Ilibidi nikuwe atheist kwa mwaka moja.

Dude one day called kunipea death threats nikamshow kwanza ajifunze kutosheleza bibi then I blocked him. Kugongeana ni tamu sana siachi. Huyu ndiye ansafisha rungu kwa sasa. Bado ni mboga ya mtu


Apana. Too risky at this point

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Uyu nayo is not worth the troubles, anakaa tu mboch. Unaeza enda bureau ya mamboch upate iyo sampuli.


Sasa hizi ndio ngori sitaki!

Bureau gani mkuu

Zile bureau za agent wa mamboch mitaani

Unakula mamboch lakini kaka…

Kudanganywa na mwanamke kaa mtoto… rawdogging bibi ya wenyewe…
Are you crazy?
Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF


Ref : No offense , play on!

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You left your fate to that woman. That was a wrong move. Mimi kwanza I will always use cd whatever the case. Next I will want to know periods zake zinakuwa lini. Siko tayari kumwaga sperms zangu kwa dem hivi hivi.

Inaonekana uli catch feelings. Utaumizwa tuu at the end. There’s a reason she didnt leave her husband, for you. Umewekwa ka spare tire.

Rule 2: Once you have sex with a woman past the forth time, your emotions become attached.

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Yenyewe standards za kijiji ziko chini sana. Risking your life for such a piece of garbage?


nikisema my class aiko kwa hii kijiji itabidi mumekubali. ona vitu elders wako proud nazo


Ile kifaranga uliweka hapa kama project nilikupea tick…

Mtu married alikuwa anakuja aje sleepoverS at your place?? Sleepovers meaning not once or twice …

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