KTN Needs to Put in More Effort Into the 7 PM Kiswahili News

KTN needs to put in more effort into the 7 PM Kiswahili News. The people behind it are simply not serious. You tune in to the 7 PM Kiswahili news on KTN, and what do you get? A couple of (or at most 3) news items, followed by sports news. Now if you are in your own house, watching your own tube, you can of course change to another channel, to get more news. But if you are in a bar, or a cafe, or some other public place, where you can’t ask for the channel to be changed, then you are left hanging. Yet, perhaps, you have bought a beer, a soda or a cup of tea in order to watch the ‘news’.
Sometimes, one gets the impression that there is an element of sabotage by elements within. For, surely, don’t they know that the 7 PM Kiswahili news is the main news, watched by tens of millions of Kenyans? That the 7 PM Kiswahili news is the ‘Peoples News’. Don’t they know that the 9 PM English news is mainly only for the elites? That many pubs and cafes don’t even bother to tune into those 9 PM English news, the argument being that ‘the people have already watched news’ (at 7 Pm)?
A skeptic is left suspecting that a competitor ensures that KTN Kiswahili news at 7 PM is mediocre in order to get the (disappointed) audience.
It is a pity that KTN, which used to be the preferred station for Kiswahili news in the 90s has now been relegated by most viewers who are dis-satisfied with what they get.
I felt that I should highlight this after having to watch KTN 7 PM Kiswahili news at a cafe today (Wednesday, 23rd May 2018): where, for a cup of tea, I was only able to get 3 news items (of which one was a feature about cancer), and then sports news! Yet I was in a cafe, and couldn’t ask for the channel to be changed – plus I was traveling, and that was the only news I could get.

Btw i thought i am the only one who noticed that!!!

Alafu they also have this thing of covering a story halfway then they continue after they have done another piece…it is asif they weren’t ready or there is no manager supervising them or controlling the quality of content…

Hate ya 9pm ime kua boring sana of late

it’s never that serious, that’s why there’s soshio midia

They get all their news from Twitter anyway. Kenyan journalists are very lazy

Real lazy in true sawhili fashion ! Will start ffew minutes late ! video for one story wont load, 5 miunutes of ads then sports next papa shirandula or some such shit !

KTN is a joke. Citizen na NTV wako more serious

KTN concentrates on English listeners
Kiswahili enda citizen na NTV

NTV is all about the negative news, KTN home is all about hurriedly joined stuff, Citizen is all about shabiki mamilli adverts, meru TV the studio has some damn echo you may think it’s an issue with your TVs speaker, KBC niliacha zile enzi za mchele whole night na national anthem at 6am. k24 is an extension of that gutter peepoe daily paper. KTN news wanajaribu with some topics, though its all about Sofia wanuna talking long sentences on stories we already saw on ktalk and swallowing a gulp of saliva at some point (good reporter she is, they are waiting her there BTW). sijui tuwatch Kwese tu

Omwami, if you can afford a cup of tea, a beer or a soda in a hotel so that you can watch news, that money is better invested in bundles then you can watch youtube and read all the newspapers

i realized that too, too shallow stuff. its like they are rushing through to go pee.

Then i always wonder why National TV stations can’t look for interpreters, in the swahili news we have people talking english and no one to interpret.

wako na ufala sana news at 7 , news inaweza anza na main story ni vile mtu alishikwa akitomba bibi ya mtu Turkana mpaka unasema WTF

Nowadays I don’t really enjoy news like i used to. Even print media have become very vague and obsolete. You get more news on shosho media than these mainstream media.

KTN iko chini. Watangazaji look bored to death as if wanalazimishwa kusoma news e.g. Linda Ogutu.
studio yao pia inakaa ya KBC