One mirrions onry.
Weddings are overrated
Sniff sniff…smells like a hekaya right here as we wait for nanni’s quarantine manenos.
Seriously…the royal family I get but kawaida commoners aiiii… that cash can do something more significant than a one day party.
I think she is pretty wise to say that.
Weddings are just expensive and for showing off. Hiyo pesa hata heri ninunue vitz for the wife than kulisha watu . Plus people have lost respect for marriage. They hardly ever last. We need some catholic in our lives
Plus has anyone here ever met a bridezilla? She doesn’t enjoy it…always worried whether you will get in church on time,whether the photographer has taken good pics,whether the food is okay,whether her make up is in place…she gets emotional kila wakati, and what happens if she feels like taking a shit ? the bridemaids have to take her to the loo(trust me,it’s not fun escorting her there…shit stinks even on special days)
Many a traders have created fortunes from less than a half that amount.
Hapa ndio stupid consumerism imetufikisha
senk you matam!
Wacha royal families waende…hapo hata Ruto na billions zake hajatosha.
Na utaona some middle class loan defaulters wakienda
Meghan acting career in the series SUITS was good, but after season 4…I had thrown in the towel.
bibi ameniambia twende but nimemwambia sijalipa mortgage .
Tumefika tayari!! #mbirrionarez
Nice pictures of South West London. Ata kama umezipiga ukiwa top deck ya basi.
Tunalipa cash ama cheque…ama Direct transfer.
Lete Paybill number
A polite way of saying peasants… I like
You’re right on both counts mate.