Ktalk Mombasa

hit my inbox
lets make it work this year.
suggest a date alafu tutawekea chokosh mbisha edited

Kitunguu ikinuka vizuri lazima nije nirudishie mwili shukrani.

Mimi atakuwa mgeni mwisimiwa, following.

hukuji subcounty?

I think its a good idea I suggest around 18th or during that weekend

tuko kwa :)wingi

Pangia mimi warembo wawili wa kiarabu…nitakuja kwa fujo

Peasants everywhere.

Am in, any time anywhere.

watu wawili now.
thats progress.
dont know why talkers hawataki tujuane.
ive met like fifte of you

How is @Purr_27?

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boss you know am only a phone call away… once you confirm the dates leme know.

Am in.
Politely, weka hapa kwa hii thread in the open so that anybody even vatu va bara:D who might be around can also chip in ideas

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@Meria Mata wacha nichungulie nikiwa hapa kando…

How is @Supu don

supu Don is pretty sweaty and wet… :slight_smile:

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how should i reply here?

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Hawa machokosh si wamekua wengi

mie nacheka
le scumbag
na mabenda4
and wote mta cum mombasa
Meria ako area
inbox saa hii nina talkers waiine.
i expected eti mtu ana kaa avatar yake but am amazed.
nihayo tu kwa sasa.
@Wakanyama iko hapa na ha sword

Tuko wengi hapa @Meria Mata suggest the date then I will confirm via inbox.