Memories na maoni yanayo umisa mimi moyoni…sikilia mimi nisipige mtu…
I had been a passive member (reading posts only) on Krost and active (naeza tusi NV fulani) kiasi on Ktalk but sio kupost thread za umeffi. The good days of Krost are gone...that happened and we accepted it.
Then Ktalk came up and most Krost members came back to life. It was smooth sailing down the river until chokosh wars happened, Siberia/Alaska punishment happened, now they (the others… @aviator, @Wakanyama, @Jirani, @Jazzman, @jaymoh and btw jojo makena amewajoin so you can imagine hio kijiji iko namna gani) are on an island somewhere in the internets ocean (read Lost series) fighting each other like cannibals…but they still thrive here among us, like shadow people…hehehe.
Then admean and tikteta teorro had this innovative but terrible idea to introduce Kcr to all members in an effort to increase traffic on this site...wuuueh! Hapo ndio umeffi posts in Ktalk went on warp drive. Ktalk members were not left behind in the race for Kcr...multi-handos zikazaliwa faster than how @tall mnyama everywhere na @Kelele tu ask for kunguru hotspots gps coordinates and contacts.
Musito @Meria Mata alikuwa na Kcr mingi kama njugu, anaulisa swali na ukipata unatuzwa Kcr which = airtime. Hapo ndio @LIEN na @delicious shiero alisaliwa btw. Mayai za tikteta zikahara kwa hii site mpaka akaona hio rada ya Kcr haileti shangwe akatoa story ya Kcr baada ya kutokelesea kwa gunia wiki hii- mayai za teorro edishen. @culture alisirika sana kwa sababu hakuwa ameredeem Kcr zake na tikteta alifunga hio chapter. Akaamua hatakuwa akisafisha members mecho...badae alienda mitini mpaka wa leo. Mecho ya elders ikawa chafu saidi kwa muda mrefu sana.
The multi handos mentality which was set forth back then still haunts us to this day. Meffi posts everywhere you go. NVs wa hio time must be SVs or VEs by now. So unapata mtu ni VE lakini post zake mingi ni meff tupu na kutusi other respectable VEs ovyo ovyo mods wa tikteta wakiangalia tu (noticed pink handos are mods now...mafeelings nazo kwa comments?) Bad move tikteta, bad move.
Wasito wengi walipotea hii kijiji kama @wildfrank, @Fala12, @Okiya, @The.Black.Templar, @introvert (gunia wiki hii ilienda wapi?), @Guru, @Female Perspective(i know what your thinking talkers, thats not it), @Meria Mata, @mouraythee, @Adeudeu, @Kihii Kiaganu, @KaBuda, @Engiti, kidogo pia ango @uwesmake alikuwa MIA akiwa deep cover mission ya navy seals lakini alikuwa area bado.
Its sad that quality threads(hekaya za kusisimua kama za @Adeudeu, mashakura ya @Gio na @Kihii Kiaganu, uwongo za @KaBuda though well scripted and many more) are hard to find nowaday’s. No wonder sijawai pata logged in members wamepita 100 mark. Most Ktalk legends read in guest mode or wako tu hapa na pale wakipeana likes lakini hawaongei.
Bottom line is that some talkers leave a huge black hole when they leave and we still remember them fondly like it was yesterday ata kama hatujuani.
So fellow SVs, Kcr VEs tuwapee wasito the respect they deserve. No wonder ata NVs hawapewi quality seats wakijoin kijiji. Nkt!
Nimevaa helmet. Acha niendelee kumesa jug daniels pole pole hapa Uncle Sam.
Ni hayo tu kwa sasa.