Ktalk Fathers only..

12 years is too early to be accessing porn. I remember in High School there was a bunch of kids in C.U who you could tell graduated without ever getting involved in vices like drinking, smoking, sex or even porn. I think things go south after high school for a majority of people because uni is just a free fall.

That’s why it’s important you equip your kids to handle the pressures during school and later on in their young adult life 19-23.

[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]@Finest wine wewe ni tribe ya ‘sit in the corner’ Kam kiasi uchangie mjadala

Thread was addressed to dads so I gave it a miss.:wink:

[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]Now that you are here…

Brayo the poster seeked views from Jifathees so nikaenda zangu…but let me think of a response…