Ktalk beta males


The level of betamales bashing msito @MikeOck is sickening. My way or the highway …hapana tambua women entitlement

Strangely the level of handles that speak to themselves here on on Ktalk is even stranger. They think we readers do not notice. Ohhhh kwanza when they big themselves up. Sick.


Your other handle is @The.Black.Templar

80% of guys are beta males, backlash is expected.

Kwanza hawa wamelike @Mrs Shosho comment hapo juu…starting with queen @Randy

You are overcompensating for your inadequacies … the real alpha males are doing their shit bila kusumbua lakini matapakas like you with fragile egos and low self esteem you keep trying to proof you are alpha males to virtual strangers who couldn’t care less.

Being beta is not a crime. Mimi ni mmoja wao, kama uko na issues with that you can go fakk a tree.

Go and buy these

I have hereby banned all beta males hapa ktalk to quote me,tag me or comment in my threads.staki umama.i have steel balls

I like the Black Templar but I am not him. I have one handle. Siwezi manage more than that since I do not own a Jekyll & Hyde personality.

Ngui! Nimekutag now what?

Could be…but I don’t think so. She’s just hopelessly smitten

What I’ve seen here are alfa mails. Not alpha men. The first rule of being something is that you need not keep reminding people about it. For example if you are black nobody needs to be reminded. They see you are black. If you are a musician or an artist your work should speaks for you not the other way around.

The clear sign that you are no alpha. Is having to join groups for it. Having to read and memorize and practice it. And finally having to remind people at every opportunity that you are one. Have you ever seen wealthy people talking about poor people, antagonizing them, or joining groups to teach them how to be wealthy?

These entire movement is for beta men who wanna know how to fake it to get the perks of alphas bcz they’re not. It’s the way some Africans don’t teach kids mother tongue bcz they find Englishmen or whites to be superior to Africans so they want to attain that superior status by speaking only English and sounding like an English man by having the accent. If they were genuinely superior, they would not have to copy it from another. It would just come naturally.

So if you wanna know the people who are good at faking alfaness then yes but real authentic alpha here? Haven’t seen it. Wot we have are copy cats. So basically nyinyi wrote ni beta but some of you are beta at faking alfa. Gerrit?

I like you too boo!

Some people are both depending on the situation

Like how you kept reminding us how reach you are??

Did I touch a nerve alfa mail?
Well, you can tell from how much time I have on my hands that I am not poor. If I was I’d be busy chasing my daily bread.