Kazi bado yaendelea.
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Na hapo jana.
KRA confiscated 40 containers of contraband goods at Compact Freight Systems in Miritini Mombasa, on Saturday.
The illegal goods comprise of Sugar and Rice, said a source adding they will be destroyed at the Port of Mombasa berth number 14.
This comes after Portside and Autoport Container Freight stations linked to Governor Hassan Joho’s family were closed amid reports tying them to the smuggling of multimillion-shilling goods.
Funds for 2017 campaigns must be sought by all means. This matter will definitely raise a lot of political heat.
Now Autoport and Portside CFSs have denied Importers to take away their goods to other facilities. Hapa biashara ndizo zaumia.
BULLSHIT! It’s in black and white the government is fighting Joho
Na hii nayo tuambiwe ni ya nani.
Compact Freight system.
The 40 containers were there.
yep, and Jubilee is fighting this just coz. they don’t want Cord financially loaded in the next elections.
I dont think so. The authorities are trying to fight contraband and mis-declared cargo Ile ukora iko kwa hizi facilities, wacha tu.
They caved to baba’s pressure and released a statement
Mwau too had his Pepe inland container depot closed and no one raised any issue.
Hizo goods were cleared by KRA custom agents. So, hii yote tu ni PR.
Ni politics. Being shown who’s boss.
these are JAP henchmen. joho ulikataa kutongozeka because you know the will of your people. you have to walk on the straight and the narrow lane
Joho should know better than kusomea UK mbele za watu. The loss will be personal. They do not play in the same league. :D:D:rolleyes:
witch hunt by chupiree
Wrong timing by uhuru. This is happening after Joho stood up to Uhuru. Many will see it as a personal vendetta and detest Jubilee even more. All that campaigning at the coast has been brought down by this one thoughtless act. I have no prob with the actions taken if they really were evading taxes but Uhuru angengoja months kadhaa before going after Joho’s business. Very wrong timing:D Hivi ndivyo kura hupotezwa:D
Lamest argument of the year.
Which election has Uhuru lost?
We all know who is the serial loser and he’s all over with an incoherent strategy from party elections to nominations to the Cord presidential flag bearer.
Just the other day he was all over fighting legally and lawfully imported sugar from Uganda.
But now that one of his largest fund raisers is caught illegally importing sugar, he wants to cry foul.
Not at all,timing could not be better.In Kenya ,nobody remenbers anything after a few weeks.we are almost forgetting eurobond,Kdf massacre(before they are all buried) just to name a few examples.Hata ya Joho haitamaliza wiki mbili.But his loss is immense.Uhuru is just showing him who is boss
Na wewe Mzee mijinga ujue hawa watu huwa hawatupendi,
he had it comming. what did he expect after lecturing UK like a kid