Githii Mburu

Mbisha, Link???

Another shiney eye.



Shiney eye na pesa!!!


Hio sura ya mwis kabisa.

on May 30th Okiya was in court.
COURT dismisses Okiya Omtatah’s bid to block James Githii Mburu from KRA Commissioner General shortlist of candidates.

achana na Hse of Mumbi


Wezi wanawekwa strategically for more looting.

The post seems to have been preserved for cendro.

Any relationship with a certain prominent Githii of Jomo’s era.

it comes with the territory .

Sasa tu lose focus on Balala’s ban on plastics, in protected areas, effective a year from now??? Hehehe what’s his logic on timing?

Seems some positions are permanently reserved for particular communities.

Seems some positions are permanently reserved for particular communities.

Seems some positions are permanently reserved for particular communities.


Elsewhere, Miguna has claimed SK Macharia is CS James Macharia’s father.
Migoosh is just sick.