KRA itax pothole

The most non-responsive, unintuitive website in sub-sahara Africa.

Who give Tata and brothers building contractors job to design high value product like KRA pothole.

I have thought thing like excel macros were obsolete in this age.

I just manage to file my taxes 3days ago…That stupid portal takes forever to load.

That Excel macro process needs to go, but kuna watu wananukisha kitunguu vizuri sana. Lots of small businesses that do not have accountants are paying guys btw 5-10k for work that doesn’t take more than 30min

since when did KRA start having pot holes??

ama ni osungu. dll

Hiyo portal cant handle alot of traffic

Is it a must to file tax if you don’t have any job? Ama you just skip it.

unless you have a KRA PIN. kama hauna KRA PIN we uko sawa. kama uko nayo na hauna job enda ufile NIL RETURNS

If you registered for a PIN then you must file , file NIL returns or you will be penalised 20,000/- each year

Portal - Pot hole :cool:

Same here couldn’t work on that excel , are you using a tablet by any chance?

Saa hii ndio nashika that unamaanisha portal. Labda sikulala enough!

I tried mobile but failed. It requires spreadsheet software with capability to handle miscrosft macro, and only specific versions of windows and ms excel.

Watu wa dakika za lala salama kufile returns :smiley: kaza mwendo, one more day to go…

All you need is office 2010 →

Kwa wale wamekwama…Ok, you can thank me.

I will break it down for you slowly

KRA PORTAL is Known as KRA POT HOLE hapa ktalk streets

Tangu muambiwe mmeshinda mkichambua politics mki chat Fb badala m visit hio pot hole?

That KRA System by those TATA indians has cost Kenya more than 10 billion to build and maintain. Excel applications and adding interfaces on top of an Oracle DB should not cost that much. I hate it that I have to file PAYE using those excel sheets whose calculations are always Ksh1 to Ksh5 inaccurate. For 10 billion, why not just ask Microsoft or Google to build, host and maintain the entire system? Kenya ni wizi tu!

Hii portal hata haiload. Very annoying

Ukitaaka vizuri Fanya late in the night ama asubuhi na mapema…but deadline ndo hii itabidi ungethie kwa screen mpaka iload