Hi techGurus,

iko chida na token CUI yangu… Every midnight lazima inapiga kelele alafu shortly inajizima, after 30 minutes its reconnects back.

Who can saidia with info as to why its misbehaving ama there’s ANY CODE THAT I SHOULD INPUT/DIAL TO RESET THE TIME ZONE? It has 56 units.

Mbillionaires cunt relate, ati inafanya nini ???

Remove the timer

How? every evening or? how about top up, its a student living in that room consider further more the cui is mounted inside that room

Toa timer kwanza…

Ambia caretaker

Cancel alarm sound…dial *812 and “Enter” on the CUI

Thanks for that, bt even if the beep sound will mute, the power will still go off. i need a permanent