KMTC hot babe divorces mubaba after 6 months of marriage

Do you know that the holiday is the time for the greatest femicides in Kenya? If you people have already decided to kill us, we have no otherwise than to avoid you like the plague. Going to meet a Kenyan man in a room nowadays is a death sentence. I don’t want to die young bana. I’m not yet even halfway through my long life expectancy.


Hehe, you know courage is not taught at the university, I’ve said it before. You weigh a situation and find the impetus deep in your heart to do something, through critical analysis. So, if you think I’m the kind who would set you up in a public forum so as to do you harm in private, then you need serious help to understand people. I’ll let you think about it. You can meet me in an open field then.


No open field, police :rotating_light: station hapo kwa OCS with your birth certificate,ID , call records, certificate of good conduct, kra tax compliance etc


Is it a date or a terrorism investigation! The OCS would lock us up for playing a stupid prank on him and wasting his official time, without first bribing him to use his cell space.


Hapo ndio mumetufikisha!


You drive a steep bargain. Next you’ll ask for my mum’s ID, or what?
Ok, I accept, on 2 conditions

  1. You leave the dagger at home. I don’t like knives.
  2. I choose a station in Isiolo, I know an inspector there. Bring a weekend’s change of clothes. I’ll drive😂

I think you are now closer to victory
She is just playing "hard to get" …

You will soon get to the “promised land” of milk and honey:blush::cherries:

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This was headed no where and everyone knew it. They come from two different universes.


Iyo relationship either uandike mtu job or umuekee biashara na awe anakupea updates kila siku. Otherwise hakuna kitu mko nayo in common.Though hawa madem wanono ata akiwa young bado akona vibes za kizee

Hehe, you don’t know Truwoman

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It’s always rumors that such couples have broken up. Find them 10 years later still together.

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“… Seek and You will Find …”
"…Knock and the Door will eventually be Opened…":joy::rofl::hotsprings: