It may not be as elegant to foreign ears but it’s a beautiful language, it flows like the serene rivers and paints immaculate pictures of ideas with such proverbial prowess, like a linguistic Picasso. And… If you know your words… Can be a beguiling force to be reckoned with in the realm of courtship.
Also, the way the sentences are structured leaves no room for unnecessary pauses. No “uh’” and “uhm” after every few words to help you gather your thoughts or think of what to say. It has that spontaneous nature
it forces your mind to speak freely and genuinely from the heart, not filter your thoughts with duplicitous or misleading words. Swahili is a refined language of love and untethered sincerity.
Some of the girls nikiwa UK who had me talk to someone on phone loved it. Wamezoea kuskia hio pidgin and Yoruba which sounds aggressive. Kiswahili ina ustaarabu
Huenda isionekane kuwa ya kuvutia masikioni mwa wageni, lakini Kiswahili ni lugha tamu sana inayotiririka kama mito ya utulivu na kuunda picha kamili ya mawazo kwa ustadi wa methali, mithili ya Picasso wa lugha. Na… iwapo unaifahamu misamiati yako… Kiswahili chako kinaweza kuwa nguvu yenye kuvutia katika fani ya mahaba.
Pia, mfumo wa kuunda sentensi katika Kiswahili hautoi nafasi ya kusita ovyo. Hakuna “uh” na “uhm” baada ya maneno machache ili kukusaidia kukusanya mawazo au kufikiria ni nini la kusema. Ina asili ya kutoa nafasi kwa mawazo yako kuongea kwa uhuru na ukweli kutoka moyoni, bila kuchuja mawazo yako kwa maneno ya udanganyifu au yanayosababisha mkanganyiko. Kiswahili ni lugha iliyosafishwa ya upendo na ukweli usiobanwa.