Kiss fm inakuaga frequency gani kwa home theater ya Sony mpya yenye iko na
speaker nne refu,yenye mtu amenunua na pesa yake?
nani ako na Alan key no.8 anisaidie.
Me naomba ile charger ya pin ndogo
game ya Man U -Tottenham iko supersport 3 ama 5?
Blue-Capped Ifrita
While this bird eats nothing bigger than an insect, it is armed with an acquired self-defense mechanism that keeps it from being messed with in any serious way. Dieting on a certain type of beetle that produces batrachotoxins similar to the poison dart frog, handling the bird with bare hands can result in numbness and toxins. Who would’ve thought such a pretty bird could be so hazardous to your health?
Hii station ni ya watoto wa highschool na washamba
ile game ya barca ya saa tatu, itakua saa ngapi wadau
hapana. hii game tamu.
Oooh ni kijana Dele anafanya mambo
Watu hii ktalk watakuja kuniua na kicheko.
Yaani DATY mpaka dem ameangusha antenna moja kwa floor na ile ameinua imekatika!!!
Hiyo unachukua microphone unaiba and listen to the playback of your silly voice.
@Mathaais !!!Ati Unaiba??unaiba na unaskiza sauti yako??mpaka kiswahili utaua?@Introvert leta Tata.hii hata sio tata,kuja na backhoe
Kifo sha mede
Am drunk, enda uambie Matiang’i.
Did you by any chance drown in a hoe’s pussy and you happened to swallow some of those fluids???i think they made you drunk son.Go get some sleep
Kojoleeni kabisa