Kisii university cantacts

Guys mnisaidie na kisii uni main campus phone…za website yao haifanyi

Cantacts ndio nini ?

Sorry contacts

Bado uko hapa looking for degree credentials that you have not worked for;)? anyways niliuliza ile maneno na nikaambiwa they are taking folk to Toronto, here is hoping you know someone there. It is a multi cultural place so that is good. Sasa I am waiting for the phone contacts upigie hao simu. They are also taking folk to Os.

uko sure…which type of visa is that


Will tell you the story kwa inbox nikipewa deets…mwenye nakwambia amefika tayari but ateee it took kendu 6 months of waiting. Si wewe uko on the ground? utawapigia simu uende ukasikize and decide whether you wanna risk or not. I know a lot of folk that came here (UK) thru those routes but ni kitambo.
Sasa the countries that are dishing papers right now are Canada, Os, and now the UK for skilled migrants especially nurses. Brexit imeleta shida sana kwao.

Enyewe umeng’ang’ana na hii styory ya Degree sana

Mpaka najipea shughuli. Ame-come inbox so we will take it from there. You never know. Help comes from unexpected quarters or so they say.