Kindness or weakness.

Well,wonders of this world will never cease.
Its either am just too kind or its a weakenes that women have always taken advantage of.
Here is my story:
A close friend came visiting and since he used to skool these ends.
One fine saturday the dude asks me whether he should tag along a tanzanian babe half italian half arab.
As ussual i ask for a pic for KEBS to certify.
Damn a fine babe rangi ya tenga,long natural hair.
Was chilling with the boys a pack of mafisi.
When the babe came hell went loose all the males salivating and the females felt inadequate.
She came straight to me since my pal had shown her a pic of me.
A hug ensued and trust me i became enemy number one.
How on earth did my pal manage to hook me up with gem like this.
All went well took them out on my account till late and we went home.
Nothing happened after some thing crossed my mind and warned me not to dare.
After two day my pal went back to Nai and left the babe kwa nyumba.
I thought she had also left too.
To my suprise i arrived home only find the gal in my arsenal jersy and my shorts.
I was cool and never asked why she was still here.
Days went but the gal aint moving an inch.
All i could do was to take care of her in everything i could but wapi kumbe the gal crib was under lock and key by the landrod plus her i phone 6 for none payment of rent for several months.All this info came from my house mate whom you all remember.
Thanks God things are working for him.
I tasked him to interogate her and what he found out doesnt add up at all.
I have resolved to chase her out before anything happens.
She sleeps all day,does nothing even cleaning the house or utensils.
She didnt even have the courtesy to explain her predicament.
Am fed up and gave her cash to sort herself out.
My housemate has clear instructions from me that i should not find her there today.
Am still waiting for a confirmation she is gone.
What could you have done if you were in my shoes.
Your opinion ktalkers.

Picha atleast ya nywele.


A socialite right there! Waiting for the next party!!

Enyewe, I aint the kind to ask for a photo, lakini hio weka tafadhali :slight_smile:


maybe she was hiding out at your house for one month to maliza her PEPs like @troller before she goes back home to her hubby/boyfie




hapa mbicha ni muhimu :slight_smile:


hata doodle ya arsenal jersey pia ni muhimu

she is taking advantage of you by taking your kindness for weakness.
Fukuza hio hoe haraka sana ama utakuta amefagia nyumba yako.

Kamua nyoka kwa mkia.


Fisiress ashaa kupea advice. Niaje @unicorn?:wink:

Weka picha ya ‘not moving an inch’ pia

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this is what I woke up today to say. umemifanyia kazi yangu ya siku.

Salon Leo biashara imenoga sana:)

heheheheheh Eish! ok chuja huyo mresh na hiyo urembo yako, even cleaning the house yawa

Sometimes i wonder which side of this world some people live in. Where such escapade don’t exist. World where men share wives/girlfriends without any remorse. Where men can’t look you right in the face and tell you to fuck off but can easily hide behind and a keyboard and broadcast it the whole world.



Pia mimi nakubaliana na wenzagu hapo juu weka mbisha ya io hoe nilinganishe na tenga niko nayo apa bila io delete thread kojoa na ulale tafadhali



Louise amekwambia ukweli hapa.

These are the type of girls that cruise on their looks alone. Your pal was a fall back wimp wa huyo dem alafu akakwangushia mzigo. Madem kaa hao ni boring sasa because they have nothing to offer apart from sex.

Alafu wewe ni weak sana. The girl took hostage of your house alafu ukamplipa ransom. AHA HA HA HA!

Aiiii … Na kwanini haukamui? If she is as fine as you are suggesting (Bado tunangoja sketch)… Then bang her brains out for a week before asking her to leave. Itakuwaje umefuga ngombe na haunywi maziwa?