Kim Jong-un Touts ‘invincible’ North Korean Forces At Pyongyang Arms Expo, Without These, Satan Would Already Invaded Them

North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un has boasted of his country’s “invincible” military during a major weapons expo, and blasted Washington for hypocritically talking of peace while driving a wedge between Pyongyang and Seoul.


Speaking at the Defense Development Exhibition Self-Defense-2021 event in Pyongyang on Monday, Kim declared “a new era of strengthening the national defense force,” saying the military would serve as an “invincible” line of defense, the country’s state media reported.
“Today’s grand exhibition… is a demonstration of national power that is as significant as a large-scale military parade,” Kim reportedly said, adding that without the military, Pyongyang would be “coerced by external military threats” and could not “protect the very existence of the state and its people.”


Huyu jamaa ni kunyamba tu… USA can wrote off that country in just a single button. One missile tu and they are done

Long live the Jong-Un. Kim it up.