I hate getting caught up in tribalism and the juvenile politics that most Kenyans dwell on every waking day!
I am all for liberalism and even when some Kenyans are worried about the recent influx of West Africans into Kenya, I don’t see anything wrong in it!
I’m all for the motto of “compe ni compe kiroho Safi!”
Anyway, the City council of Liverpool City in England recently gave people the chance to own property for just £1 !..
You heard me right, one fucking pound sterling!..
The only catch is that the houses have laid unoccupied for a few years after a government regeneration programme went tits up.
The Government in conjunction with the local council intended to purchase all the dilapidated properties in the estate with a view to demolishing and then building new affordable properties in the area.
Anyway, it doesn’t happen and the local government,aka Liverpool City Council comes up with a brilliant idea of selling each of the properties in the zone for one pound sterling each with the view of attracting many lower income earners who can’t afford to buy their own properties.
Only catch, you have to renovate the house to the required Council’s standards at your own cost.
If and after you meet the Council’s requirements, the house is yours!!!
So , who would you expect to be the first people to jump on to such an offer!!!
Yes! You guessed it right!
It’s the immigrant Kikuyu and Walalos !!!
Say what you want about Kyuks and Wariahs!..
You have to hand it to these two communities for being the driving force behind the Kenyan thriving economy.
If the council has no caveats,you can buy it at a pound sterling, renovate it to their standards and sell it later on for much more than what it cost you…or rent it out.Think outside the box.
The amount of property tax you pay in England depends on the value of your property etc…
It’s called Council tax.
Your council tax is a reflection of the services you expect from the council and that includes rubbish collection, police response, educational facilities etc…
Your postcode in the UK is reflected in the amount of council tax bill you get.
If you live in a posh part of London like Chelsea or Mayfair for example, your council tax could be more expensive than the rent!
But if you live in the back of beyond in a housing estate in Liverpool (e.g) your council tax bill is almost negligible.
That’s the idea.
It’s an easy way to get people who could otherwise never afford to get on the proverbial property ladder to do so.
Only condition is that you move in inside one year of you getting the keys and then you are free to sell and move in immediately!
Meaning in Liverpool where these houses are you don’t expect much in terms of services.
Anyways, it’s ideal for first time home buyer, u renovate pole pole the resell and move to a better neighborhood .
How easy is it to get credit, once you acquire these houses, keeping in mind you are a home owner ?
It’s also an ingenious way of increasing the council’s tax/revenue base. After renovation, the market values of those houses will rise and with it the taxes being paid
But there must be a fixed timeline of renovating the same after purchasing it for 1 pound. Failure to adhere to it maybe the houses revert back to council ownership
That is a misconception!
Liverpool is the oldest Slave trade city in the world owing to its early port.
Most slaves traded to the Americas and the Carribbeans had to make a port of call in Liverpool.
There are black British people whose DNA has been traced to Liverpool because in the chaos that was the slave trade, some Africans somehow didn’t make it past Liverpool.
Afterwards, the Irish used it as their first port of call from their shores during the famine in the late 1800s.
Recently, it has been nominated as the Culture capital of Europe!
Liverpool,just like tthri local football team is more diverse than it gets credit for for being in the North of England!
In England or rather majuu, everyone is treated equally!
Just because you live in a poor part of Liverpool doesn’t mean that your rubbish won’t be collected!.. Kikikikkkk…
The Government treats you just as well as the rich guy in London Chelsea as far as services are concerned the only difference is that you might not be able to get the same credit facilities the guy in Mayfair gets owing to your credit rating and post code!
And why should you; when your three bedroom house is worth £80,000 and theirs is worth £80,000,000?..
Post this every morning until it sinks into “some people” kwa roho safi. If a Tz can come to gikomba and sell mitumba what are you unemployed person waiting for.