[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)][ATTACH=full]244121[/ATTACH]Ngarisha macho
Hii ilikua mali safi sana at 22/23
Bado kitu iko swaffi ya kusafisha mecho tu.
I love such threads :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
You want to say Taita people have an IQ of 55?
Its just a matter of culture. Kikuyu are a matriarchal society. partriarchy there is borrowed from christianity and to a smaller extent the maasai and the likes and is still not well established. just read a little about early resistance against colonialism in kikuyuland and you will see it was led by women.
There are tribes that schooled very early and did very well but dont have women with an entrepreneurial mind. The last thing you need is a women doing what men should be doing and abandoning their own roles. Surely nobody wants the Kiambu or the Nyeri situation.
I plead the 5th. Wapi @Mrs Shosho?
Buda there are threads where you tiptoe like a cat on hot mabati.
I was never here.
Such threads you can easily know the I. O of the poster unaondokea umeff threads.
shemeji, longtime no see, purplste alitisha wewe
labda babake ni mluhya
Point nzito
wacha uchokozi asubuhi hii yote yawaa. Beauty is relative that is why they said it is in the eyes of the beholder.
naona umetoa Bibi huko.
Zii, but iko potential for 2, 3 and 4.
:DYou have scored an own goal.
huyu ameguswa pabaya:D:D:D
Hapa nita watetea kidogo.
Hawakai hivi ata kidogo
Mwarimo, hizi ni zile stickers huwekwa kwa mathree za baba dogo na banghla
Hot kisses. Check message elsewhere.
xxx Mrs W Kush.
You baptized me and when I am asked what my middle initial stands for…sometimes I say Waitherero. You are a bad man, a vvvvv bad man. Tuongee late…know you are gaddamn mbisi today.
Copy and Paste
How Chiru was pumped
Gathiici : Chiru ma ni ndoka uhe njigue murio.
Chiru: weeche Mami niekunjuria
Gathiici : sawa. Ndathii kumuhoya rutha uhe
Chiru : sawa. E hau mugunda akirima
(Gathiici goes to chiru’s mum akaomba asaidiwe na fork jembe arudishe after 1 hr.
Mama Chiru says : "iko nyumbani ambia Chiru akutolee.
(Gathiici runs back to Chiru)
Gathiici : nitwaria nake auga uhe ithaa rimwe
Chiru: ndimuurie?
GathiicI: muurie uigue
Chiru : I[/I] mamiiii!
Mother : yuuu
Chiru : ati wera gathiici ndimuhe?
Mum : ii muheee tuu o ithaa rimwe
Chiru : sawa reke ngimuhe.
Uguo niguo Chiru aheanire
The comments about this post are simply to die for, especially from the female fraternity.
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Oh and by the way, have you niggers seen the ass on this Kikuyu?