Kijiji ya wazee

Kijiji ya wazee does not embrace the prerogative of diverging opinions.

Kwa wenye hawako huko, a handle @Mzeiya posted a thread that he has finally bought a house for 8M.He was excited to be a home owner.

As wazee were congratulating him, another handle @$$$ commented that if he had procured through morgage then it’s a rip-off.

The wazee including chief conman Mason @Randy descended on him with every manner of criticism and redicule.

Even though mzeiya clarrified he didn’t buy it through morgage, @$$$ was raising a genuine concern. Morgage is usually a raw deal to the house buyer.

Most of this banks make huge profit from morgage payment where majority civil servants, are enslaved by morgages which they pay for decades.

If a house is say 10M, you may end up paying 18M through morgage. Remember the house is not yours until you pay the last shilling. Any defaulting in payment, you may end up loosing the house plus your money.

Considering all that, you’d rather pay rent and invest in areas where you can accumulate the required amount to buy a house.

Nimejaribu kupost my opinion huko nikarushwa siberia, @MERIA MATE humbwer!!

Meria Mata kuja hapa

Hii rant ungepelekea @ChifuMbitika ukienda “ranch” yake kesho for “business tip(s)”. Hayatuhusu sisi.

Tulisema admins wa huko wako post Menstrual period.

Mortgages work in an economy where a house is just a place to live in, not an investment. When houses became an investment then mortgages became a burden/pipe dream since the price of property is not in tandem with the wages of majority of the populace.


$$$= brownskin/ mturandom…
Na Conman ni babako… stick to kissing your own ass with all your handles. Bure kabisa.

Mungich tulia feeling wachia deorro.

Hao wazee wako na shida ya akili especially @Meria Mata and Gashui

Mungich ni shoguo…

@gashwin ako sawa hakuingi na shida, ni ninyi umuingilia bure

wannabe contractor aka stone mason, wacha matusi.

Mungich hasira ya nini. Kama kumegatha usiletee makasiriko.

Blarry fuakin!

Enyewe si kabaya sana kAma hiyo Doggy ya trailer

I kif up.
Your handle has been restored.
Sema asante.
Meffi jangili kombamwiko

Thifú, dont ingilia mzee wa kazi Meria tena, you handle is back. Lets meet there kama wazee

Wewe na nyege zako ndio unimeniqoute… but when I return the favour ati niko mafeelings… you ppl are ridiculous…
Na ata kama kumekauka you are yet to see me in your house with plate borrowing.
And still insist mungich ni shuguo!!

Tulia mungich nikushikanishe job ya fundi ya nyumba za mabati.

Izo jengea bibi yako…:smiley: