Some will say this is scripted…watch and be the judge
Scripted shit.
Regardless …
The way all and sundry have adopted alien mannerisms , culture and behavior is dangerously un-African …
True …
Some of our ways of life have long expired or overtaken by a changing world …
But we need to remain true to our African selves and maintain our sanity … :mad:
You are putting on clothes, reading books, watching Tv, using Cell phone, using vehicles, using electricity, using computer, using mirror, wearing shoes. All those things are not African. So stop doing those things as well.
Kweli , Kizungu ni shida for many of you in here … :D:D:D
“…The WAY all and sundry in here have adopted wholesale alien mannerisms , culture and behavior is dangerously Un-African …” (UNQUOTE).