
To the parents in here… , how did you know you are ready to get kids?
Do those tiny humans make you happy?

I have come to a conclusion that they might not be my portion. When I think about pregnancy, the sleepless nights, the tethering…
Man sioni anything but inconveniences to my uncomplicated life. I see fat, I see restriction, I see pressure…

Wacha menopause ikupate.utalilia kwa choo.u are one of them chicks selling their eggs @30k


30k, pekee? oh Damn!

Pata watoto. Women have an expiry date unless you are dumb enough to realize that.

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Haha, s/o knows that…
Hata yeye hadai… :D. It has been a good number of year huku…
How many kids do you have, how do they help you? Do you do the baby sitting Ama uliwaacha na wife Sahii ni mwk tu

Ile siku hiyo atention unapewa na wanaume itaisha hautauliza tena.
The more attention a woman gets, the more she does not want to get children, and still wants to remain that dazzling diamond she thinks she is or remain virgin.


I saw peoples disposable income take a huge hit when they get their first child, and subsequent ones. They no longer have the extra cash that they used to have and the freedoms they used to have. But life is way more beyond making money.


Please talk to njoki ndungu and you will learn the pain of putting career first instead of family

Another great condom AD.

If you don’t like them babies, stay away from mucakwe. I must confess I love kids and can’t wait to hold one of my own.

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On the contrary, I already settled btw…
Am not as simple minded as you might think. This decision has nothing to do with that cheap attention. Have you ever considered maybe some people are not cut out for that lifestyle… Idk… It’s strange though they say maybe as you grow older the feeling of having kids will kick in…

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A story is told of a hare who tried reaching some fruits up a tree. When he failed, he said they aren’t ripe anyway.

Sasa wewe, either you lack a climber to impregnate you (which could mean wewe ni kiatu) ama you’re barren. Whichever the case, God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good, and that is his nature.

Good morning.


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Don’t feel pressured by the social norms.
You will know when the time is right and then the things you fear about motherhood now will not matter anymore.
Plus not everyone is cut out for motherhood so if you don’t feel it don’t force it.


not everyone is cut for child rearing and bearing.Your dude hataki tethering manenos,doubt if he wants to get married either.In this new era,children are an expenditure compared to back in the days where we were brought forth in truckloads,now,career ambitions,professions and social placements deter a lot

you feel compelled to promoting and supporting the physical,emotional,social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.Other reason could be personal experience of how one was raised,they fear the kid would go through the negativity,health,finance,broken families.

i am a parent,expecting a third rugrat in march next year.I was never ready for my first neither will I be for the forthcoming,but believe me,the moment you hold that rascal in your hand,its the equivalent of nirvana,your mind works like a thermo nuclear reactor never stopping coz you will provide for it no matter what

i still want to visit 195 countries,so far so good,in as much as they are a fcuk ton of work,i take them on my nomad lifestyle whenever things work out.

you still have time:D:D:D:D;)


I realised that men are actually the ones in a hurry to get kids. It gives them some fulfilment .so don’t let any change your mind

But gurrlll if your over 35. You better freeze those eggs. ME being a “stepmom’ish” it’s actually not that hard but I love kids so there is that . Just marry rich and get nanny’s .

I’m getting my first at 24 3more years to go I need to have fun in this life before then and space em out

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enough said. The little ones changes your perception of life. @Despotic_megalomaniac, sometimes it comes as a craving especially when you hold or see other kids…in case it does pray it’s not after menopause

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And yet you are here :eek:

Its all about age and time. Kuna age flani bachelors and socialites are so dismissive/ignorant of the conventional ways of life. Macho “ikifunguka” you see things in a totally different perspective. These things are natural.

But having a kid/s is as important as going to school to learn abcd and 1234, very important however much u dislike the process.

I suggest you go easy on anal sex if you want an easy birth.
I was there when all four of my kids were born and believe me, you need those anal muscles to Push!..