Kidero amepoteza kura tu hivyo...

…a few weeks ago, slightly before Nkaissery went to be with the Lord, Babu said that there were invaders in Kajiado and they should not be allowed to continue making people poor.

This fell short of asking that the ‘aliens’ be kicked out. Hiyo ndio ubaya ya hii Kanani mwitu promises.

What Babu didn’t foresee running his mouth was that there are many ‘aliens’ everywhere in Kenya and so the ripple effect would be that they also ‘jifukuza’.

These days, bus stops are not overcrowded since many people have been travelling home. There are those who will vote in their shags but many have decided to abstain and go home for safety reasons.

But the question that lingers is, for how long will the five-year cycle continue uprooting people from their homes?

I’m not saying there will be violence lakini, why inflame people forcing them to leave their homes?

Hii Kanani siendi mimi na #TanoTena ni uongo kwangu

[SIZE=6]“It’s safer at home”, say Kenyans as pre-vote exodus starts[/SIZE]

In your ignorance you speak as if PEV is a new occurrence whose inception was in 2007/08.

My fren, the inception of PEV was in 1992 with the likes of Ruto at the helm of YK92. What happened in 2007/08 was some of the underlying issues simmering to the surface that up to date have not been addressed but swept under the rag.

And the same terms used then are the same ones being used by the politicians today.

You thought Ntimama died with his ‘lie low like an envelope’ infamy?

He just morphed in his mentees… So, I am aware of that.

So why the mention of RAO in your insinuation that his utterances have caused this wave of travel upcountry? This is not a new phenomenon this election cycle.

In 1992, 1997 etc elections Kaleos were chasing non-Kaleos from the Rift. Why don’t you start your argument from there? Its only that there is more awareness (read - freedom of the press, social media, int’l spotlight especially after 2007/08 PEV) that lacked in those years.

Because yaliyopita si ndwele… We’re not in 1992.

So Rao is Babu? Then make Google your friend…

Ukilemewa ndio unanza kutumia argument ya ndwele sipite…meffi wewe.


“It’s safer at home”, say Kenyans as pre-vote exodus starts[/SIZE]

True he has a tendency of shooting himself on the foot, that call cost him just as his talk of lowering rent, landlords started pushing luos out of their houses.

Kura tumechukua mashinani.I will never vote in towns …mashinani ile pry sch nilisomea,hapo. Tribeless nation ni wewe na watu wenyu.

I agree.

How can you be tribeless?

I belong to one and I’m as proud as the next person from a different one. Bora heshima iwe.

True he has a tendency of shooting himself on the foot, that call costing him just as his talk of lowering rent, landlords started pushing luos out of their houses.

My landlord is a luo. Few months ago alianza kudai hataki kudeal na luo tenants juu wanasumbua sana. I danno
what he’s been experiencing lakini his statements say alot.

Unfortunately, it didn’t start in 1992. Land clashes in RV were there even in the 1960s…

Before my country, Before my religion, Before any education… my ethnicity is my identity. I love where I come from, my mother tongue too. Thing is we should all embrace where we come from just like our forefathers did and lived in utmost unity amongst many communities. Kenya aint tribal it is the media which feeds this narrative to suit a few selfish interests of some murderous elites.

summary ni hii: RWNBP

True he has a tendency of shooting himself on the foot, that call cost him just as his talk of lowering rent, landlords started pushing luos out of their houses.

No. His calls cost Kenyans. Landlords miss rent. Tenants lack housing.

He should be called to account.

But you will just hear ‘sasa munataka nifanye nini’ from somewhere near Arboretum…ushiens.

These guys wasted a golden opportunity to reform this country for good.

Apart from the bromance, all the development they talk about is on the SGR. What about those areas kwenye haijafika?

The looting has been phenomenal and out of this world na opposition haina solutions…

But we need options to the two…

My landlord is a luo. Few months ago alianza kudai hataki kudeal na luo tenants juu wanasumbua sana. I danno
what he’s been experiencing lakini his statements say alot.

yawa,ata luo wanaogopa

yawa,ata luo wanaogopa

Kulipa rent ni shida. Pia hapei watu amani. Na si eti hana doo. Just some ego issues. Any empty house ikipata mteja luo origin anadai zii.anawaonea 18 hataki hasara

Shida ya kuishi kwa slums

You always think every one lives in a slum coz of the word landlord. You are too shallow with such a mind set. Ningekurushia pic ya pale naishi…you’ll be shocked.