Over the weekend, the world has been standing in solidarity with the French due to the Paris Attacks. One way this was done was coloring landmarks with colors of the French National flag (Blue,white and red). From the Sydney theater in Australia, the Gaza pyramids in Egypt to the London eye in the UK.

Here in Kenya, there was no such creativity. I am of the opinion that we could use KICC since it is a landmark building not just for this case but also for future incidents and events. I think KICC would have looked really good with those colors especially at night

[ATTACH=full]21129[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]21131[/ATTACH]

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They should have used it as a marketing opportunity. With all the bile about the double standards the media seems to take in these occurrences, lazima ingetrend. … now, where did I put that heart?


Let’s do it because others are doing it; GREAT!!


Yes why not. It is a great marketing opportunity for our ailing tourism

I fear these things, I cannot customize my profile photo with those French colours. I read on an article that most of these attacks are Illuminati-engineered. Again I read on another article that Goldman Sachs who is a key player in the North American Illuminati sector, recently invested almost $500 million dollars in Facebook. Usually this means that Facebook will fall under Illuminati control soon, just as Myspace and Twitter have.

And does the world display the Kenyan flag when we are attacked by terrorists?


Not everything is for commercial interest… And btw I think there is deal between samsung and kicc and maybe why it was not changed

Money money money!
the reason countries are doibg this is to show solidarity in this tragic times in france n not to market their country.
pesa kamaliza utu kabisa.
lives were lost for,and any n every human live is sacred.

Yes they did from Washington to PARIS to london to Tokyo


Wow. Such depth. I believe this. Shocking. Click her for more. Top 5 illuminati list inside. The 4th one will blow you away.


It’s up-to the management to decide what to do.

It will be good if they did because a good deed is done without expecting anything in return.

Yani there are people who believe in this illuuminati BS :eek:o_O


you sir are full of isht


mbona kunianika boss

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Weak minds hate what they cant comprehend hence the illuminati chieth

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Where is the link?


@kijanamrefu kuja upeane rink buana


Hahaha how old are you?

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when west gate &garissa attack happened focus was on our failures rather than Kenyans coming together.

France has been hit 3 times and it’s clear that someone slept on the job but international media instead rallies the entire world to stand in solidarity with France.

as much as sympathize with their plight i find myself asking what is gives.